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The TRIMMEAN function is one of the statistical functions. It is used to return the mean of the interior of a data set. TRIMMEAN calculates the mean taken by excluding a percentage of data points from the top and bottom tails of a data set.


TRIMMEAN(array, percent)

The TRIMMEAN function has the following arguments:

Argument Description
array The range of numeric values to trim and average.
percent A total percent of data points to exclude from the calculation. A numeric value greater than or equal to 0 but less than 1. The number of excluded data points is rounded down to the nearest multiple of 2. E.g., if array contains 30 values and percent is 0.1, 10 percent of 30 points is 3. This value is rounded down to 2, so 1 point is trimmed from each tail of the data set: 1 from the top and 1 from the bottom of the set.


How to apply the TRIMMEAN function.


The figure below displays the result returned by the TRIMMEAN function.


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