Font |
Used to select one of the fonts from the list of the available fonts. If the required font is not available in the list, you can download and install it on your operating system, and the font will be available for use in the desktop version. |
Font size |
Used to select the preset font size values from the dropdown list (the default values are: 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 36, 48, 72 and 96). It's also possible to manually enter a custom value up to 409 pt in the font size field. Press Enter to confirm. |
Increment font size |
Used to change the font size making it one point bigger each time the icon is clicked. |
Decrement font size |
Used to change the font size making it one point smaller each time the icon is clicked. |
Change case |
Used to change the font case. Sentence case. - the case matches that of a common sentence. lowercase - all letters are small. UPPERCASE - all letters are capital. Capitalize Each Word - each word starts with a capital letter. tOGGLE cASE - reverse the case of the selected text or the word where the mouse cursor is positioned. |
Bold |
Used to make the font bold making it heavier. |
Italic |
Used to make the font slightly slanted to the right. |
Underline |
Used to make the text underlined with a line going below the letters. |
Strikethrough |
Used to make the text struck out with a line going through the letters. |
Subscript/Superscript |
Allows choosing the Superscript or Subscript option. The Superscript option is used to make the text smaller and place it to the upper part of the text line, e.g. as in fractions. The Subscript option is used to make the text smaller and place it to the lower part of the text line, e.g. as in chemical formulas. |
Font color |
Used to change the color of the letters/characters in cells. |
Fill color |
Used to change the color of the cell fill. Using this icon you can apply a solid color fill. The color of the cell fill can also be changed using the Fill section on the Cell settings tab of the right sidebar. |
Change color scheme |
This button is located on the Layout tab. Used to change the default color palette for worksheet elements (font, background, chats and chart elements) selecting from the available options: Aspect, Blue Green, Blue II, Blue Warm, Blue, Grayscale, Green Yellow, Green, Marquee, Median, Office 2007-2010, Office 2013-2022, Office, Orange Red, Orange, Paper, Red Orange, Red Violet, Red, Slipstream, Violet II, Violet, Yellow Orange, Yellow, and New Office. |