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Align data in cells

You can align your data horizontally and vertically or even rotate data within a cell. To do that, select a cell, a range of cells with the mouse or the whole worksheet by pressing the Ctrl+A key combination. You can also select multiple non-adjacent cells or cell ranges holding down the Ctrl key while selecting cells/ranges with the mouse. Then perform one of the following operations using the icons situated at the Home tab of the top toolbar.

  • Apply one of the horizontal alignment of the data within a cell,
    • click the Align left
      icon to align your data by the left side of the cell (the right side remains unaligned);
    • click the Align center
      icon to align your data by the center of the cell (the right and the left sides remains unaligned);
    • click the Align right
      icon to align your data by the right side of the cell (the left side remains unaligned);
    • click the Justified
      icon to align your data by both the left and the right sides of the cell (additional spacing is added where necessary to keep the alignment).
  • Change the vertical alignment of the data within a cell,
    • click the Align top
      icon to align your data to the top of the cell;
    • click the Align middle
      icon to align your data to the middle of the cell;
    • click the Align bottom
      icon to align your data to the bottom of the cell.
  • Change the angle of the data within a cell, clicking the Orientation
    icon and choosing one of the options:
    • use the Horizontal Text
      option to place the text horizontally (default option),
    • use the Angle Counterclockwise
      option to place the text from the bottom left corner to the top right corner of a cell,
    • use the Angle Clockwise
      option to place the text from the top left corner to the bottom right corner of a cell,
    • use the Rotate Text Up
      option to place the text from bottom to top of a cell,
    • use the Rotate Text Down
      option to place the text from top to bottom of a cell.

      To rotate the text by an exactly specified angle, click the Cell settings

      icon at the right sidebar and use the Orientation. Enter the necessary value measured in degrees into the Angle field or adjust it using the arrows on the right.

  • Fit your data to the column width clicking the Wrap text

    Note: if you change the column width, data wrapping adjusts automatically.

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