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Copy/clear formatting

To copy a certain text formatting,

  1. select the text passage which formatting you need to copy with the mouse or using the keyboard,
  2. click the Copy style
    icon at the Home tab of the top toolbar (the mouse pointer will look like this
  3. select the text passage you want to apply the same formatting to.

To apply the copied formatting to multiple text passages,

  1. select the text passage which formatting you need to copy with the mouse or using the keyboard,
  2. double-click the Copy style
    icon at the Home tab of the top toolbar (the mouse pointer will look like this
    and the Copy style icon will remain selected:
  3. select the necessary text passages one by one to apply the same formatting to each of them,
  4. to exit this mode, click the Copy style
    icon once again or press the Esc key on the keyboard.

To quickly remove the formatting that you have applied to a text passage,

  1. select the text passage which formatting you want to remove,
  2. click the Clear style
    icon at the Home tab of the top toolbar.
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