Chiudi Centro assistenza Administration Guides ONLYOFFICE Workspace Managing portals Reinforcing security Configuring modules and tools Customizing modules and tools Managing users Connecting external services ONLYOFFICE Control Panel ONLYOFFICE DocSpace Glossario Video FAQ Generale Tecnologia Prezzi Workspace Enterprise Edition Docs Enterprise Edition Docs Developer Edition ONLYOFFICE Groups Connectors Administration Guides ONLYOFFICE Workspace Watch video Imposta i privilegi di accesso nel tuo portale online office Gestisci utenti nel tuo portale online office How to invite guest users to your online office How to import users from Active Directory to ONLYOFFICE How to use Control Panel in ONLYOFFICE Workspace How to use the backup/restore feature How to log in to ONLYOFFICE using Single sign-on (SSO) Managing portals Mostra sommario Nascondi sommario Manage your portal through the Settings section that contains detailed information about your portal and allows you to deactivate or delete it. Viewing portal statistics Changing portal region Deactivating/deleting portal Reinforcing security Mostra sommario Nascondi sommario The Security section allows you to control access to your portal and monitor all users activity. Getting Started Entering the security settings section Portal access Password strength settings Using two-factor authentication Trusted mail domain settings IP security settings Administrator message settings Session lifetime Access rights Changing portal owner Adding administrators Restricting access to portal modules Tracking login history Receiving audit trail data Creating backup Manual backup in the cloud version Automatic backup in the cloud version Data restore in the cloud version Workspace Enterprise Edition Security Guide Introduction SSL Certificate Automatic backup Portal security settings adjustment LDAP for access centralization Usage of private SMTP server User logins and other actions monitoring Disabling root access Closing all unnecessary ports Adjusting parameters for storing file versions Setting up document permissions and portal access rights Private rooms for secure work with documents Data encryption protection Configuring modules and tools Mostra sommario Nascondi sommario All modules can be configured to your liking. Changing Documents module settings Changing Documents module settings Come organizzare e gestire la documentazione della società? Changing Projects module settings Changing Projects module settings Changing CRM module settings Esporta dati CRM Changing CRM module settings: Aggiungi campi utenti Imposta fasi di opportunità Regola livelli di temperatura Regola tipi di contatto Specifica categorie di attività Crea nuova categoria per gli eventi della cronologia Utilizza etichette nel modulo CRM Aggiungi articoli e imposte Setting up the default currency and exchange rates Crea il modulo Contatti dal sito web Come inviare email massive? Changing People module settings Changing People module settings Managing access rights Disabling People module Changing Community module settings Changing Community module settings Enabling/disabling Community module Changing Mail module settings How it works Configuring mail server Setting up mail server Adding alias and creating mail groups Settings for most popular mail services Changing Talk settings Changing Talk settings Changing attachment size Customizing modules and tools Mostra sommario Nascondi sommario The Modules & Tools subsection of the Common settings gives you the access to the list of portal modules and tools and the ability to manage them. Cambia la lingua del tuo portale Lingue disponibili nel tuo portale online office White Labeling Managing portal modules Custom Navigation Default Start Page Pricing Page Settings Managing users Mostra sommario Nascondi sommario As a portal owner or full access administrator, you can add new members to the portal, set access level for each user or group, and delete users. Adding new portal members Using invitation link Adding users manually Come aggiungere utenti usando i dati di contatto da Google? Come aggiungere utenti usando i dati di contatto da un file CSV? Come aggiungere utenti usando i dati di contatto da una rubrica indirizzi? Come invitare gli ospiti al tuo ufficio online office? Creating groups Managing access rights Changing portal owner Granting administrator privileges Permissions for Documents, CRM, Community, People, and Mail modules Permissions for Projects module Changing the user status to "Guest" Managing Active connections Logging in on behalf of other users in the server version Deleting users Reassigning data What happens to the data? Deleting a single user Deleting several users Connecting external services Mostra sommario Nascondi sommario The Integration section is used to integrate your portal with third-party services. Getting Started Entering Integration section Alternating LDAP settings Enabling Single Sign-on Connecting third-party services Integrating third-party services in the cloud version Chiavi di autorizzazione Connecting third-party storages Integra altre risorse in Documenti di online office Editing documents from Box in ONLYOFFICE Editing documents from Dropbox in ONLYOFFICE Editing documents from Google Drive in ONLYOFFICE Editing documents from kDrive in ONLYOFFICE Editing documents from Nextcloud in ONLYOFFICE Editing documents from ownCloud in ONLYOFFICE Editing documents from OneDrive in ONLYOFFICE Adjusting SMTP settings ONLYOFFICE Control Panel Mostra sommario Nascondi sommario Learn how to configure ONLYOFFICE Workspace (Community or Enterprise Edition) with corresponding control panels. Installing Adding ONLYOFFICE Mail to the ONLYOFFICE Workspace installation Updating Updating ONLYOFFICE Workspace to the latest version Configuring all portals Switching to HTTPS using Control Panel Using the Control Panel backup/restore feature Connecting third-party storages Protect data using encryption Managing memory quota Navigating via Full-Text Search feature Branding your online office Deploying multiple portals using the Multitenancy feature Configuring current portal Using the Private Room to work on your documents securely Desktop Editors v.5.6 also required Modifica delle impostazioni LDAP ONLYOFFICE Single Sign-on overview Configuring ONLYOFFICE SP and Shibboleth IdP Configuring ONLYOFFICE SP and OneLogin IdP Configuring ONLYOFFICE SP and AD FS IdP Branding your online office Tracking login history Receiving audit trail data Migrating Nextcloud data to ONLYOFFICE Workspace Migrating Google Workspace data to ONLYOFFICE Workspace Various questions Mostra sommario Nascondi sommario Various questions How ONLYOFFICE handles Google user data ONLYOFFICE DocSpace Mostra sommario Nascondi sommario ONLYOFFICE DocSpace is a new way to collaborate on documents with teams, clients, partners, etc., based on the concept of rooms – special spaces with predefined permissions. Configuring DocSpace settings General Branding Appearance DocSpace access Login History Audit Trail Data backup Automatic backup Restore LDAP Settings Plugins Third-party services Single Sign-On SMTP Settings Document Service Data import Storage management Developer tools Deactivate DocSpace Delete DocSpace Managing Spaces Connecting third-party services Connecting Amazon AWS S3 to ONLYOFFICE DocSpace Connecting Apple to ONLYOFFICE DocSpace Connecting to ONLYOFFICE DocSpace Connecting Dropbox to ONLYOFFICE DocSpace Connecting Facebook to ONLYOFFICE DocSpace Connecting Google to ONLYOFFICE DocSpace Connecting Google Cloud Storage to ONLYOFFICE DocSpace Connecting KDrive to ONLYOFFICE DocSpace Connecting LinkedIn to ONLYOFFICE DocSpace Connecting Nextcloud to ONLYOFFICE DocSpace Connecting OneDrive to ONLYOFFICE DocSpace Connecting ownCloud to ONLYOFFICE DocSpace Connecting Rackspace Cloud Storage to ONLYOFFICE DocSpace Connecting SharePoint to ONLYOFFICE DocSpace Connecting Twitter to ONLYOFFICE DocSpace Connecting Zoom to ONLYOFFICE DocSpace Various settings Using two-factor authentication in DocSpace Enabling Single Sign-on in DocSpace Managing Active sessions in DocSpace Using webhooks in DocSpace Altering LDAP settings in DocSpace Migrating ONLYOFFICE Workspace data to ONLYOFFICE DocSpace Migrating Google Workspace data to ONLYOFFICE DocSpace Migrating Nextcloud data to ONLYOFFICE DocSpace