Actions on a single file
To quickly find the necessary file, make use of the Filter field at the top of the document list. Tap this field, enter the required file name and tap the Search button on the keyboard.
Tap the
button and specify the necessary filter parameters:
- To filter items by TYPES choose one of the following options: Folders, Documents, Presentations, Spreadsheets, Images, Media, Archives, or All files.
- To filter items by AUTHOR tap the User or Group option and choose the necessary user or group.
- To exclude subfolders from search tap the No subfolders option in the SEARCH section.
To sort items in the file list,
- tap the Sort by drop-down list to the right of the Filter field,
- select the necessary sorting criterion: Last modified date, Creation date, Title, Type, Size or Author,
- to change the sorting order from Descending to Ascending tap the
Tap the
icon to the right of the necessary document in the file list to access the file menu.
Note: available options may differ depending on the selected 'Documents' module section, file type and your access rights.
Tap one of the menu items to choose the necessary action:
- Save as oform - this option is only available for the
Form templates.
- Fill in the form - this option is only available for the
fillable forms.
- Edit - to open the file in the editing mode.
- Preview - to open the file in the viewing mode.
- Share - to share the file with your portal users or groups selecting one of the following access types: Full access, Form Filling (the Form Filling option is only available for the
files), Comment, Review (the Review option is only available for the .docx
and .docxf
files), Read Only, Deny Access.
- Copy external link - to a file with Read Only permissions for people outside the portal.
- Link for portal users - to copy the link to a document to clipboard for portal users.
- Send a file by email.
- Sign a file with DocuSign.
- Version history - to view the version and revision history.
- Block a file for further editing by other users with the corresponding editing rights.
- Mark a file as favorite for quick access.
- Download - to save the file in the current format on the device. This file can be found in the default downloads folder.
- Download as - to save the file in the selected format on the device.
- Move or Copy - to move the file or create a copy of the file and move the created copy to the specified section/folder of the Documents module. Choose the necessary submenu and then select the necessary folder.
- Rename - to change the file name.
- Delete - to move the file to the Trash. The deleted file can be restored or permanently deleted later.
Actions on a single folder
Tap the folder name in the file list to open it. To go to the parent folder that is one level up from the current folder use the
Tap the
icon to the right of the necessary folder in the file list to access the folder menu. Select the action you want to perform by tapping one of the menu items:
- Open - to open the selected.
- Share - to share the folder with your portal users or groups selecting one of the following access types: Full access, Read Only, or Deny Access.
- Link for portal users - to copy the link to a document to clipboard for portal users.
- Download - to download the selected folder with all its contents.
- Move or Copy - to move the folder or create a copy of the folder and move the created copy to the specified section/folder of the Documents module. Choose the necessary submenu and then select the necessary folder.
- Rename - to change the folder name.
- Delete - to delete the folder with all its contents moving it to the Recycle Bin.
Renaming items
To rename the selected file or folder, tap the
icon, select the Rename menu item, enter a new name in the entry field and tap the
icon on the right.

Actions on multiple files/folders
You can move, copy or delete several selected items at once as well as share them.
Tap the icons on the left hand of the necessary items one at a time to select them. Then tap the necessary button above the file list: Sharing Settings, Download, Download as, Move, Copy, Delete.