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How to add cells


If you need to add more cells within an existing table without redoing it, use the corresponding tool set in ONLYOFFICE Spreadsheet Editor that allows you to add cells to the left and above the one you selected.

Type 1. Add cells to the left

  1. Right-click the cell to the left of which you wish to insert a new one, choose the Insert option, and click Shift cells right.
    Add cells left Add cells left
  2. Select the cell with the left mouse button, click the Insert cells insert cells icon icon located on the Home tab of the top toolbar
    insert cells type 1 insert cells type 1
    and choose the Shift cells right option.

The program will shift the selected cell to the right to insert a blank one.

Type 2. Add cells above

  1. Right-click the cell above which you wish to insert a new one, choose the Insert option, and click Shift cells down.
    Add cells above Add cells above
  2. Select the cell with the left mouse button, click the Insert cells insert cells icon icon located on the Home tab of the top toolbar
    insert cells type 1 insert cells type 1
    and choose the Shift cells down option.

The program will shift the selected cell down to insert a blank one.

How to create a new document?
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