Developer Tools

Developer Tools

The Developer Tools section is used to integrate ONLYOFFICE DocSpace into your own web application, use webhooks, add OAuth applications.

JavaScript SDK

Use the ONLYOFFICE DocSpace SDK based on JavaScript which allows developers to use all the DocSpace possibilities with api.js. You can integrate ONLYOFFICE DocSpace into your own web application, allowing users to create and submit documents directly from your website.

To embed the DocSpace room or folder to your website,

  1. On the JavaScript SDK page, go to the Enter the address of DocSpace to embed section, paste the link to your website and press the + icon.
    If you are using the server version, it's necessary to switch your DocSpace to HTTPS first. You can follow our instructions.
  2. In the Select a mode for embedding your DocSpace section, choose one of the suggested modes: DocSpace, Public room, Editor, Viewer, Room selector, File selector, Custom.
    • DocSpace - embed the whole DocSpace to allow users to interact with all rooms, files, and settings.
    • Public room - embed a public room to allow users to view all the documents stored there without registration.
    • Editor - embed an editor to allow users to edit a file from the corresponding room.
    • Viewer - embed a viewer to allow users to open a file for viewing from the corresponding room.
    • Room selector - embed a room selector to allow users to access any room from the list of the available ones.
    • File selector - embed a file selector to allow users to access any file from the list of the available ones.
    • Custom - manually configure the parameters for embedding your DocSpace.
  3. Click the Start setting up button.
  4. Customize the available display options which differ depending on the selected mode. For example, the following options are available for the Custom mode: Width, Height, Frame id, Interface elements (Left menu, Title, Setting up Columns, Action button, Search, Filter and Sort, Navigate and Header (only for mobile devices)), Data display settings (select the section, room or folder you want to display), and Advanced display settings, such as Search term, Sort by parameter, Sort order, the number of files / folders displayed on one page, Display page, Displaying columns in a file row.
  5. Preview the result in the Preview section.
  6. Switch to the Code to insert tab and copy the generated HTML or JavaScript code.
  7. Embed the copied code into your website.
Developer ToolsDeveloper Tools

For more details on JavaScript SDK, please refer to


Use webhooks to perform custom actions on the side of any application or website you are using based on various events in ONLYOFFICE DocSpace. You can create and manage all your webhooks, configure them, and browse history of every webhook to audit their performance. To learn more about using webhooks, read this guide.

Developer ToolsDeveloper Tools

For more details on DocSpace API, please refer to

OAuth 2.0

Use OAuth 2.0 to access the ONLYOFFICE DocSpace API for authorization and further actions such as accessing files, etc.

Developer ToolsDeveloper Tools

To create a new application,

  1. Click the Register a new application button.
  2. Fill in the form:
    • App name - an application name that will be displayed on all consent screens and in the application list. Obligatory parameter.
    • Website URL- a link to the site home page. Obligatory parameter.
    • App icon - an image that will be displayed on all consent screens and in the application list. Obligatory parameter.
    • Description - a short description of the application.
    • Authentication method - a verification method when receiving a JWT token. To receive a token it's necessary to send the SHA key. Check the Allow public client (PKCE) box if necessary.
    • Redirects URLs - links that the user can be redirected to after successful passing the consent screen. Enter the address and click the Add button. You can add several links, for example, for test and production versions. Obligatory parameter.
    • Allowed origins - URLs of sources that can make requests to the DocSpace API without CORS blocking. Enter the address and click the Add button. You can add several links. Obligatory parameter.
    • Access scopes - define the capabilities of a third-party application relative to the DocSpace API. Scopes are used to limit your app's access to all user-related data, and they'll let you specify exactly what kind of access you need. Check the Read or Write box next to the necessary options: Profile, Contacts, Files & Folders, Rooms, Open ID. When selecting a capability for writing data, it automatically enables reading data. Obligatory parameter.
    • Privacy policy URL - a URL link to your Privacy Policy that must comply with applicable laws and regulations and that make clear how you collect, use, share, retain and otherwise process personal information. Obligatory parameter.
    • Terms of Service URL - a URL link to your Terms and conditions that users must comply with when using this application. Obligatory parameter.
  3. Click the Save button.
Developer ToolsDeveloper Tools

You can manage your created apps in the list:

  • View info about your app: app name, creator, modified date, scopes.
  • Disable or enable the app using the State switcher.
  • Right-click the app and select the necessary option:
    • Edit - to change some parameters, such as App name, App icon, Description, Authentication method. On this page, you can also copy the Client ID and Secret or reset the secret if necessary.
    • Auth button - to view the authorization button, copy the HTML, CSS or JavaScript code to embed it into your website, get an authorize link or code verifier. By clicking the authorization button, you can also go through the entire flow.
    • Info - to view the app info, such as creator, description, website, access, scopes, support and legal info, last modified date.
    • Generate token - to generate a token for development (so that not to go through the flow each time). The generated token has a limited lifetime and will be automatically deprecated when a new one is created.
    • Revoke token - to revoke the generated token.
    • Disable - to disable the app and stop all active sessions.
    • Delete - to delete the app and stop and remove all active sessions.
Developer ToolsDeveloper Tools

When following the authorization link, there are 3 possible scenarios:

  1. If the user is not yet authorized on the DocSpace portal, the authorization form opens. After successful authorization, the user will be redirected to the step 2 or 3.
  2. If the user has more than one portal, it will be possible to select the necessary one.
  3. If the user is already authorized on the DocSpace portal, they will be redirected to the consent page, which displays the capabilities of the application, links to the security policy and terms of service. The user can click the Allow or Deny button as well as choose another profile.

For more details on DocSpace API, please refer to

Host ONLYOFFICE DocSpace on your own server or use it in the cloud

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