Reviewing documents

The Document Editor allows you to maintain a constant team-wide approach to work flow: share files and folders, collaborate on documents in real time, communicate right in the editor, comment certain parts of your documents that require additional third-party input, save document versions for future use, compare and merge documents to facilitate processing and editing.

When somebody shares a file with you using review permissions, you need to apply the document Review feature.

In the Document Editor, as a reviewer, you can use the Review option to review the document, change the sentences, phrases and other page elements, correct spelling, etc. without actually editing it. All your changes will be recorded and shown to the person who sent you the document.

If you send the file for review, you will need to display all the changes that were made to it, view them, and either accept or reject them.

Enable the Track Changes feature

To see changes suggested by a reviewer, enable the Track Changes option in one of the following ways:

  • click the track changes status bar button in the right lower corner of the status bar, or
  • switch to the Collaboration tab on the top toolbar and press the track changes top toolbar Track Changes button.

    It is not necessary for the reviewer to enable the Track Changes option. It is enabled by default and cannot be disabled when the document is shared with Review only access rights.

  • the following options are available in the opened pop-up menu:
    • On for me - tracking changes is enabled for the current user only. The option remains enabled for the current editing session, i.e., will be disabled when you reload or open the document anew. It will not be affected by other users enabling or disabling the general tracking changes option.
    • Off for me - tracking changes is disabled for the current user only. The option remains disabled for the current editing session. It will not be affected by other users enabling or disabling the general tracking changes option.
    • On for me and everyone - tracking changes is enabled and will remain when you reload or open the document anew (when the document is reloaded, all users will have tracking enabled). When another user disables the general tracking changes option in the file, it will be switched to Off for me and everyone for all users.

      track changes mode alert

    • Off for me and everyone - tracking changes is disabled and will remain when you reload or open the document anew (when the document is reloaded, all users will have the tracking disabled). When another user enables the general tracking changes option in the file, it will be switched to On for me and everyone for all users. The corresponding alert message will be shown to every co-author.

      track changes enabled

View changes

Changes made by a user are highlighted with a specific color in the document text. When you click on the changed text, a balloon opens that displays the username, the date and time when the change was made, and the change description. The balloon also contains icons used to accept or reject the current change.


If you drag and drop a piece of text to some other place in the document, the text in the new position will be underlined with a double line. The text in the original position will be double-crossed. This will count as a single change.

Click the double-crossed text in the original position and use the follow move arrow in the change balloon to go to the new location of the text.

Click the double-underlined text in the new position and use the follow move arrow in the change balloon to go to the original location of the text.

Choose the changes display mode

Click the review display mode Display Mode button on the top toolbar and select one of the available modes from the list:

  • Markup and balloons - this option is selected by default. It allows for both viewing the suggested changes and editing the document. Changes are highlighted in the document text and displayed in balloons.
  • Only markup - this mode allows both viewing the suggested changes and editing the document. Changes are displayed in the document text only, balloons are hidden.
  • Final - this mode is used to display all the changes as if they were accepted. This option does not actually accept all changes, it only allows you to see how the document will look after you accept all the changes. In this mode, you cannot edit the document.
  • Original - this mode is used to display all the changes as if they were rejected. This option does not actually reject all changes, it only allows you to view the document without changes. In this mode, you cannot edit the document.
Accept or reject changes

Use the review previous Previous and review next Next buttons on the top toolbar to navigate through the changes.

To accept the currently selected change, you can:

  • click the review accept top toolbar Accept button on the top toolbar, or
  • click the downward arrow below the Accept button and select the Accept Current Change option (in this case, the change will be accepted, and you will proceed to the next available change based on your cursor position), or
  • click the Accept review accept button button in the change balloon.

Accepting or rejecting a change will move you to the next change based on your cursor position.

To quickly accept all the changes, click the downward arrow below the review accept top toolbar Accept button and select the Accept All Changes option.

To reject the current change, you can:

  • click the review reject top toolbar Reject button on the top toolbar, or
  • click the downward arrow below the Reject button and select the Reject Current Change option (in this case, the change will be rejected, and you will move on to the next available change based on your cursor position), or
  • click the Reject review reject button button in the change balloon.

To quickly reject all the changes, click the downward arrow below the review reject top toolbar Reject button and select the Reject All Changes option.

If you need to accept or reject one change, right-click it and choose Accept Change or Reject Change from the context menu.

Accept/Reject dropdown menu

If you review the document, the Accept and Reject options are not available for you. You can delete your changes using the review delete icon icon within the change balloon.

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Using the Review mode in ONLYOFFICE

Track Changes feature makes reviewing documents much more effective: show your changes to other users, and see theirs to review, accept or decline them.

Host ONLYOFFICE Docs on your own server or use it in the cloud

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