Use Authorization keys to connect your portal with third-party services: Amazon AWS S3, Apple, Bitly,, Clickatell, DocuSign, DropBox, EasyBib, Facebook, Firebase, Google, Google Cloud Storage, LinkedIn,, Microsoft, Mendeley, OneDrive, Rackspace Cloud Storage, Selectel Cloud Storage, smsc, Telegram, Twilio, Twitter, VK, Wordpress, Yahoo, Yandex, Zotero.
Connect your Apple, Google, Twitter, FB, LinkedIn,, Microsoft, VK, Yandex account to log in to your portal quickly.
Use Twitter to facilitate the search of information about people and companies in the CRM module.
Link up your portal with Box, Dropbox, OneDrive and Google to transfer your documents to the Documents module and also to synchronize your accounts with ONLYOFFICE.
If you connect the DocuSign service, you will be able to send files from the Documents module for electronic signature to your portal employees via the DocuSign service.
The Bitly service connected to your portal will allow you to get shortened invitation links as well as links to documents that have been shared with external users.
Add the Twilio service to be able to call your CRM contacts from a web browser. You can also use Twilio to enable the two-factor authentication.
With the Firebase service, you can receive notifications about the messages sent to you even when you are offline.
Connecting the Telegram service you will be able to receive portal notifications via Telegram.
Adding the Clickatell or smsc service you will be able to enable the two-factor authentication option and receive an SMS with a code allowing the user to enter the portal.
Integrating the Yahoo service you will be able to import new users from the contact list to your portal.
Connect the Amazon AWS S3, Google Cloud Storage, Rackspace Cloud Storage or Selectel Cloud Storage service to use the connected cloud storage as a third-party storage when creating backups. It's also possible to use this cloud storage to store data and static content from your portal.
If you use the SaaS version, the authorization keys parameters for most services are set up automatically. In the SaaS version, you can connect DocuSign, Twilio and EasyBib services, as well as AWS, GoogleCloud, Rackspace and Selectel.
Some third-party services can be connected within the corresponding plugins at the Plugins tab of the Document Editor. Once you connect the EasyBib, Mendeley or Zotero service, you will be able to create, manage and insert bibliographic lists into your documents. Connect the Wordpress service to easily publish documents on your WordPress website.
Read this article and you will learn how to grant authorization to the third-party services, so that you could connect your accounts from these networks to ONLYOFFICE profile with no problem.
Bare Bones Instructions
If you decide to connect a third-party service to portal, proceed through these simple steps
First of all go to the Settings section. To do that click the
icon in the right upper corner.
Switch to the Integration tab.
Open the Third-Party Services page.
In this section you will see all the third-party services you can connect your portal to. The most important part in the process of establishing the connection is to find application keys. If you want to connect a third-party service to your portal, first of all get the application ID (may be called app key, client_id, api key etc.) and Key (app secret, client_secret, api secret etc.). The way to obtain the connection keys differs from service to service. So choose the necessary service and follow the instructions:
Amazon AWS S3 
- Go to the AWS Management Console;
- Sign in to your account as a Root user;
- Click your account name on the top and select the My Security Credentials option;
- Expand the Access keys (access key ID and secret access key) section;
- Click the Create New Access Key button,
- In a new window, click the Show Access Key link. Copy or write down the
Access Key ID
and Secret Access Key
- Go to the Apple Developers Portal;
- Sign in to your account;
- Get an App ID:
- Go to Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles -> Identifiers and click the + icon in the upper left corner.
- Select App IDs and click Continue.
- Enter a Description and a Bundle ID (a reverse-domain name style string: com.domainname.appname). Make sure that Sign In with Apple is checked. Click Continue and click Register.
- Get a Services ID:
- Go to Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles -> Identifiers and click the + icon in the upper left corner.
- Select Services IDs and click Continue.
- Enter a Description and an Identifier (a reverse-domain name style string: com.domainname.appname). Make sure that Sign In with Apple is checked. Click the Configure button next to Sign In with Apple.
- Make sure the App ID is selected as the Primary App ID. Add the Return URLs "". Click Save.
- Click Continue and click Register.
- Create a private key:
- Go to Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles -> Keys and click the + icon in the upper left corner.
- Enter a unique name for the key. Make sure that Sign In with Apple is checked.
- Click Configure. In the Choose a Primary App ID field, select the App ID and click Save.
- Click Continue and click Register.
- Click Download to download the private key.
- Get a key identifier:
- Go to Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles -> Keys.
- Select the private key on the right.
- The key identifier will be displayed below the key name.
- Go to the Bitlink Management page;
- Sign in to your account;
- Generate your Generic Access Token:
- follow this link or go to Profile Settings -> Generic Access Token;
- confirm your account password in the entry field;
- click the Generate token button.
- Your
Generic Access Token
will appear in the pop-up window. Click the Copy button to copy it to the clipboard. 
- Go to the box developers page;
- Sign in to your account;
- Click the Create new app button on the right;
- On a new page that opens, select the Custom app application type and choose the User Authentication (OAuth 2.0) method;
- Enter a unique name for your application in the entry field below and click the Create App button;
- On the opened Configuration page, in the OAuth 2.0 Redirect URI section, enter "" in the Redirect URI field;
- In the Application Scopes -> Content Actions section, check the Write all files and folders stored in Box checkbox;
- In the OAuth 2.0 Credentials section, copy or write down the
Client ID
and Client secret
- Save the changes made clicking the Save Changes button in the upper right corner of the page.
- Sign in to your Clickatell account.
- Go to Channels -> SMS and click + Activate channel.
- Click + New SMS Setup. Choose API -> One-way and click Next.
- Select Basic HTTP API -> Create a new HTTP API and click Next.
- Specify Setup Name, select SMS Service Class and Setup Type, then click Next.
- Copy
and click Complete.
- Go to the Admin console of the DocuSign sandbox.
- Sign in to your sandbox account.
- In the left-side menu, find the Integrations section and open the Apps and Keys page.
- Click the Add App and Integration Key button.
- Type in your application name and click the Create app button.
- Your app settings page will open.
- In the General Info -> Integration Key section, copy or write down your
Integration key
- In the Authentication -> Secret Keys section, click the Add Secret Key button and copy or write down the
Secret Key
that will be displayed above.
- In the Additional settings -> Redirect URIs section, click the Add URI button and add "" in the field that appears.
- Click the Save button.
- Use the "" value as the
Authentication endpoint
If your application has been moved from the sandbox to a live production account, use the "" value as the Authentication endpoint

- Go to Dropbox Developers website;
- Sign in to your account;
- Click the Create your app link;
- Next check the Dropbox API radio button;
- Select the following type of access:
- Full Dropbox - Access to all files and folders in a user's Dropbox.
- Introduce your application name;
- Click the Create app button;
- On your application 'Settings' tab, enter "" in the 'Redirect URIs' field and click the Add button;
- Copy or write down
App key
and App secret
which appear on the 'Settings' page.
- Go to the Permissions tab. In the Files and folders section, activate the "" checkbox. Click Submit at the bottom of the screen.
This service can be connected within the corresponding plugin at the Plugins tab of the Document Editor.
If you have the EasyBib API key generated earlier, you can continue using it, but you cannot generate new ones, as API access is no longer offered or supported by EasyBib.
- Go to the EasyBib signup page;
- Fill in the form:
- specify your Name and Email,
- specify your application Name and Description,
- in the URL field, introduce "",
- accept the Terms of service and click Submit.
- You will receive the confirmation message to the specified email address. Follow the confirmation link;
- After that you will receive another email message with your application information. Copy or write down the
The EasyBib plugin is not included in the free version of the editors.

- Go to Facebook Developers Portal;
- Sign in to your account;
- Click the My Apps link in the upper right corner and click the Create App button;
- Select the Consumer app type and click the Next button;
- Enter your application name in the Display name field and verify your App contact email specified by default;
- Click the Create app button;
- You will be redirected to the + Add Product page. Move the mouse cursor over the Facebook Login section and click the Set up button;
- Provide both a valid Privacy Policy URL and data deletion information in the Settings -> Basic section;
- The Facebook Login product will appear in the Products section of left-side menu. Click the Settings link below the Facebook Login product. Find the Client OAuth Settings section;
- Introduce
in the Valid OAuth redirect URIs field;
- Click the Save changes button in the lower right corner;
- Switch your App Mode from Developer to Live using the switcher on the top panel.
Alternatively, you can add users who will use Facebook Login to Testers for this app:
- Go to the Roles section in the left-side menu.
- In the Testers sections, add all users one by one specifying their Facebook IDs.
- All users must be verified as developers on Facebook and accept the requests.
- On the left-side panel, open the Settings -> Basic section;
- Copy or write down your
App ID
and App Secret

- Go to Firebase console.
- Sign in to your account.
- Click the Add project button.
- Enter your project name in the Project name field or select one of the existing Google Cloud projects.
- Click Continue in the wizard, then click Create project. Once the project is created, click Continue.
- Click the Settings icon in the upper left part of the page and then click the Project settings menu item.
- In the General section, copy or write down the
Project ID
- Switch to the Cloud Messaging section and copy or write down the
Sender ID
- To get the
Server key
, generate a key pair below and copy the public key.
- To find your
Web API Key
, go to Google Cloud Platform console, find your project and go to APIs & Services > Credentials. Copy the Browser key (Auto created by Firebase).

Use this instruction if you want to connect your Google Drive account with the Documents module, sign in to ONLYOFFICE via your Google account, and import new users from the contact list.
- Go to Google Cloud Platform console.
- Sign in to your account.
- Click the Create project button. Enter the Project Name in the corresponding field and click the Create button. Once the project is created, you'll see a notification in the upper right corner of the page. Click on the project name to open it.
- Enable necessary APIs:
- Click the navigation menu in the upper left corner and select the APIs and services -> Enabled APIs and services.
- Click the Enable APIs and services button on the top.
- In the Google Workspace section, click the Google Drive API link, then click the Enable button.
- Return to the Enabled APIs and services page, click the Enable APIs and services button. In the Social section, enable the Google People API and Contacts API in the same way.
- Configure the OAuth consent screen, add a scope and test users:
- From the left navigation menu, select the OAuth consent screen section.
- Choose the User Type and click Create.
- In the App information section, specify the App name and User support email in the corresponding fields.
- In the App domain section, go to the Authorized domains subsection. Click the Add domain button and specify the
domain in the entry field.
- Specify an email in the Developer contact information section.
- Click the Save and continue button.
- Click the Add or remove scopes button. On a new screen that opens, go to the Manually add scopes section, specify
in the entry field and click the Add to table button, then click Update.
- Click the Save and continue button.
- In the Test users section, click the Add users button. Specify necessary Google accounts and click the Add button.
- Click the Save and continue button.
- Get
Client ID
and Client secret
- From the left navigation menu, select the Credentials section.
- Click the Create credentials button and choose the OAuth client ID option in the list.
- In the Application type list, select the Web application option.
- In the Authorized JavaScript origins section, click the Add URI button and enter "" in the entry field.
- In the Authorized redirect URIs section, click the Add URI button and enter "" in the entry field.
- Click the Create button.
- Your
Client ID
and Client secret
will be displayed in a new window. Copy or write down them.
Google Cloud Storage

Use this instruction if you want to connect Google Cloud Storage service to backup and store data from your portal.
- Go to Google Cloud Platform console.
- Sign in to your account.
- Click the navigation menu in the upper left corner and select the IAM & admin -> Service accounts section.
- Select an existing project or create a new one.
- Click the Create service account button.
- Specify the Service account name and click Create.
- Select the Owner role and click Continue.
- Optionally, grant access to this service account to users: specify necessary Google accounts and click Done.
- On the Service accounts page, click the menu button in the Actions field and choose the Create key option.
- In a new window that opens, choose the JSON type and click Create.
- The .json file that contains the private key will be downloaded to your computer. To connect the GoogleCloud service, you will need to open this .json file with a text editor, copy its contents and paste into the json field on the portal.

- Go to LinkedIn Developers website;
- Sign in to your account;
- Click the Create application button;
- Fill out all the fields marked with the red sign and click the Submit button;
- Check the r_basicprofile and r_emailaddress options in the Default Application Permissions section;
- Introduce "" in the Authorized redirect URLs field, click the Add button, then click Update at the bottom of the page to save the changes;
- Copy or write down the
Client ID
and Client Secret
in the Authentication Keys section.

- Go to
- Sign in to your account.
- Click the Connect site button.
- Accept the terms of service checking the corresponding box and click the Continue button.
- Specify the site name.
- Specify
as the main page URL address and click the Continue button.
- On the next screen, click the Continue button and skip downloading the receiver.html page.
- Copy the site
and Secret key
- Go to My sites and click the Manage link next to the site name.
- In the site settings, specify the following URL address of the receiver.html page:
- Save the changes.

This service can be connected within the corresponding plugin at the Plugins tab of the Document Editor.
- Go to the Mendeley page and register a new account or log into an existing account;
- Proceed to My apps page and register a new app by filling the following fields:
- specify the Application name,
- add a Description for the application,
- open the Mendeley plugin in the Plugins tab, copy the provided URL address. The address should look like this:
- accept the Terms and Conditions,
- generate a Secret,
- click the Submit button to add an application.
- Copy the generated id of the application, insert it into the Application ID field in the Document editor, and click the Save button;
- Continue by logging into your Mendeley account.

- Go to Microsoft Azure.
- Sign in to your account.
- Сlick the New registration button at the App registrations page.
- Enter your application Name.
- Choose the platform (Web) and enter "" in the Redirect URL field.
- Click the Register button at the bottom of the page;
- Copy or write down the
Application (client) ID
displayed at the Overview page.
- Switch to the Certificates & secrets section on the left.
- Click the New client secret button.
- Enter the description and click Add.
- Copy or write down the
Client secret
displayed in the Value field.

- Go to Microsoft Azure.
- Sign in to your account.
- Сlick the New registration button at the App registrations page.
- Enter your application Name.
- Choose the platform (Web) and enter "" in the Redirect URL field.
- Click the Register button at the bottom of the page;
- Copy or write down the
Application (client) ID
displayed at the Overview page.
- Switch to the Certificates & secrets section on the left.
- Click the New client secret button.
- Enter the description and click Add.
- Copy or write down the
Client secret
displayed in the Value field.
Rackspace Cloud Storage

- Go to Rackspace Cloud Control Panel.
- Sign in to your account.
- Click the username menu in the upper right corner of the control panel.
- Select the My Profile & Settings option,
- Scroll down to Security Settings,
- Click the Show link next to Rackspace API Key.
- Copy or write down
Rackspace API Key
. To connect the Rackspace service, you'll also need to specify your Rackspace username
, i.e. the username that you use to log in.
Selectel Cloud Storage

- Sign in to your Selectel account;
- Go to the Cloud storage -> Users section;
- Choose the user who has corresponding access rights to the storage or create a new user providing him/her with Read and write access to the containers which will be used to store your backups;
- Copy the user login and enter it in the Selectel authUser field on the portal;
- Copy the user password and enter it in the Password to access the storage field on the portal.
- Use your smsc account
- Use your
or password MD5 hash
in lower case. To generate MD5 hash you can use the following link.
- Use your Sender ID. Sender ID can be registered in your account on this page.

- Open using Telegram Desktop.
- Start BotFather using the following command:
- Create a new bot using the following command:
- Enter a name for your bot.
- Enter a username for your bot. It may only include Latin characters, numbers, and underscores and must end in 'bot', e.g. 'test_bot' or 'TestBot'.
- Copy the generated
- Paste the
and the bot username in the corresponding fields on the portal.

- Go to Twilio Console.
- Sign in to your account.
- Copy or write down the
Account SID
and Auth Token
located in the Account Info section of the Account Dashboard.
- In the same section, copy the
Twilio phone number
that is required for the two-factor authentication.
To successfully connect Twitter to your portal, Elevated Level API is required. You can obtain it via a separate request to Twitter.
- Go to Twitter Developers Portal.
- Sign in to your account.
- In the left menu, go to Projects & Apps: Overview and click the + Create App button.
- In the App name field, enter your application name and click Next.
- In the Keys & Tokens section, copy
, API Key Secret
, Bearer Token
- Click App settings.
- Click Set up in the User authentication settings section.
- In the App permissions block, select "Read and write and Direct message".
- In the Type of App block, select "Web App, Automated App or Bot".
- In the App info block, specify
in the Callback URI / Redirect URL line. In the Website URL line, specify URL of the website where Twitter is connected.
- Click Save.
- Save
Client ID
and Client Secret
, click Done.

- Go to
- Sign in to your account.
- Click the Create app link.
- Enter the app Title.
- In the Platform section, select Website.
- Specify the following Website address:
- Specify the following Base domain:
- Click the Connect website button.
- Link a device you want to use to manage the app if it is not linked yet.
- Open the notification sent to your device and follow the instructions. You’ll receive a call from a phone number that will be used as a confirmation code. Enter 4 last digits of the incoming phone number and click Confirm.
- Go to the app Settings.
- Specify
in the Authorized redirect URI field and click Save.
- Copy the
App ID
and Secure key

This service can be connected within the corresponding plugin at the Plugins tab of the Document Editor.
The Wordpress plugin is not included in the free version of the editors.
- Sign in to your Wordpress account. If you have not yet registered, go to the Wordpress signup page and fill in the registration form to create a new account. A new free website will be created together with your account;
- When you are signed in, go to the Wordpress Developers page;
- Fill in all the required fields to create a new application: specify your application Name, Description, Website URL;
- In the Redirect URLs field, introduce "";
- Answer the verification question (e.g. 'What is 6 + 2?') and click the Create button;
- You will be redirected to the Manage Settings page. Click on your application name to display your application information;
- In the OAuth Information section, copy or write down the
Client ID
and Client Secret

- Sign in to your Yahoo account;
- Go to the Create Application page in the Yahoo Developer Network;
- Specify the Application Name;
- In the Redirect URI(s) field, introduce "";
- In the API Permissions section, check the Contacts option;
- Click the Create App button;
- Copy or write down the
Client ID
and Client Secret

- Go to
- Sign in to your account.
- Click the Create app button.
- Specify the Service name.
- In the Platforms section, check the Web services option, click Save and continue.
- On the next screen, click Save and Continue.
- In the Redirect URI field, specify
and click the Save and continue button.
- Enter your company's or your personal email address and click the Save and continue button.
- Verify the settings and click Everything is correct. Create the app.
- Copy the
and Client secret

This service can be connected within the corresponding plugin at the Plugins tab of the Document Editor.
- Go to the Zotero registration page and register a new account or log into an existing account;
- Proceed to Zotero API settings and click the Create new private key button;
- In the New private key page check the following checkboxes:
- Personal Library - Allow write access,
- Default Group Permissions - Read/Write.
- Click the Save Key button;
- Copy the generated key, insert it into the API Key field in the Document editor, and click the Save button;
- To connect the necessary service click on the switcher next to it. A new window will open.
Introduce your received application ID
and Key
to the appropriate third-party fields.
Click the Enable button.
That's it! Now you can enjoy all the benefits of the Authorization keys option.
Helpful Hints
How to connect my Facebook/Google/LinkedIn/Twitter account to portal?
When you proceed through all the steps described in the instruction, go to your 'Profile' page clicking the link with your name in the right upper corner of the page and choosing the corresponding option. On your 'Profile' page find the 'Login via Social Networks' caption, choose the necessary service and click the 'Connect' button. In the opened window grant the access to ONLYOFFICE application and introduce the account credentials, if it's necessary.
How to synchronize my Box/Dropbox/Google/OneDrive with the Documents module?
You can easily synchronize your Box/Dropbox/Google/OneDrive account with the 'Documents' module of your portal just within a few minutes. Read this article to learn more.
How to send documents for signing right from the Documents module using the DocuSign service?
Once you perform all the steps described above, go to the 'Documents' module and connect your DocuSign account following these instructions.
To be able to send your documents for signing using DocuSign, you'll also need to switch your portal to HTTPS, because DocuSign does not support HTTP.
Depending on which environment you use (DocuSign Sandbox or Production account), other portal users who want to be able to send their documents for signature should also use corresponding accounts:
- if you use a sandbox.
- if you use a production account.
For further instructions on how to send documents for signature you can refer to this article.
How to call my CRM contacts right from a web browser using the Twilio service?
After the completion of the above-mentioned actions, please refer to the following article to learn more on how to use the VoIP functionality.
How to enable the two-factor authentication using the Clickatell, Twilio, or smsc service?
Once you connect the Clickatell, Twilio, or smsc service to your portal as described above, you can read the following article to learn more on how to enable the two-factor authentication on your portal.