Portal Configuration. Getting Started


Once you have installed ONLYOFFICE Workspace Enterprise Edition on your server, you might need to configure the portal so that it meets your requirements.

If you have not yet installed ONLYOFFICE Workspace Enterprise Edition, please refer to our instructions on how to do that using Docker.

We will consider that you have already completed the portal initial setup, i.e., specified your email and password, uploaded the license file, and optionally changed the portal Language and Time Zone.

By default, the password must be at least 8 but no more than 120 characters long.
Portal setupPortal setup

It's also necessary to confirm your email address. The activation letter will be sent to the specified email. Follow the link provided in this letter to complete your email activation procedure.

We propose the following brief recommendations on how to get started with your portal and perform its additional configuration.

Adjust SMTP Settings

To ensure the delivery of the portal notifications, you need to specify your own settings for the outgoing mail server, namely the SMTP server. You can use any email account.

Follow: Settings->Integration->SMTP Settings and fill in the form fields. The detailed description of the SMTP parameters can be found in this article.

Click the Send Test Mail button to verify the settings. If the test letter is delivered to the specified email address, click Save to apply the settings.

SMTP SettingsSMTP Settings

Specify your own domain name

If you have a registered domain name, you can use it instead of the IP address to access your portal. To do that:

  1. In your domain DNS settings, create the A record that points your domain name to the IP address of the server where ONLYOFFICE Workspace Enterprise Edition is installed.
  2. On your portal, follow: Settings->Common->Customization. Go to the DNS Settings section, check the Custom domain name box, specify your domain name in the field below, and click Save.
Custom domain nameCustom domain name

Switch to HTTPS

It does not matter if you have an SSL certificate issued for your domain by a Certification Authority or not: you can easily switch your portal to the secure HTTPS protocol in either case.

Go to the Control Panel and open the HTTPS page. You can:

  • Click GENERATE AND APPLY to create a new certificate, or
  • Upload existing .crt and .key files by clicking the corresponding Plus buttons, then press APPLY.

For more details, please refer to this article.

When the changes are applied, your portal will be available over HTTPS.

HTTPS pageHTTPS page

Adjust security settings

Before you start to add users, it will be better if you specify some rules to ensure greater security.

Follow Settings->Security->Portal Access.

  • in the Password Strength Settings section, determine the password length (from 8 to 30 characters) and the character set that must be used in it: capital letters, digits, and special characters.
  • in the Trusted Mail Domain Settings section, you can specify mail servers that can be used for user self-registration. In such a case, users who have an account at a specified mail server will be able to register themselves by clicking the Click here to join link on the Sign In page. If you wish the added users to get the view-only permissions, check the Add users as guests box. If this option is no longer needed, you can Disable it.
    Security settingsSecurity settings
  • in the IP Security section, you can restrict access to your portal based on the IP addresses, allowing access to the portal from trusted networks only. Check the Enable radio button and add trusted IP addresses in the IPv4 format (#.#.#.#) one by one or specify a trusted IP range (in the #.#.#.#-#.#.#.# format).
    You can find the information on your portal visitors IP addresses in the Login History section of the Control Panel by clicking the Download and open report button.
  • in the Administrator Message Settings section, you can specify if you want to display the contact form on the Sign In page so that people could send the message to the portal administrator in case they have troubles accessing the portal.

Do not forget to click the Save button at the bottom of each section where you've changed settings.

Change your portal appearance

To adapt the appearance of the portal to your needs and choose the modules you wish to use, go to Settings->Common.

The Customization section allows you to:

  • change the default Title to be displayed on the Sign In page of your portal,
  • name the organization (or group), its members, and their activities, choosing one of the available Team Templates or using the Custom option and setting your own names,
  • change the default Color Theme of your portal interface.

The Modules & Tools section allows you to select the modules and tools you want to use and hide those you don't need for your work. You can also change the Default Start Page here.

Using the Branding section of the Control Panel, you can also replace branding elements used in the online office interface with your own ones. To learn more, please refer to this article.

Add users and set up access rights

When the main portal settings are adjusted, you can start adding users. The most simple way to do that is to click the Invite users to portal button at the left side panel in any portal module. Please refer to this article to learn more on how to add users in different ways.

Invitation linkInvitation link

Using Control Panel, you can also import the necessary users and groups from an LDAP Server.

After you add users, you can go to Settings->Security->Access Rights and restrict access to some portal modules, making a particular module accessible to the selected users or groups only.

To learn more about the capabilities of your portal modules, please refer to corresponding sections of our Help Center: Documents, Projects, CRM, People, Community, Calendar, Mail, Talk.

Host ONLYOFFICE Workspace on your own server

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