Switching to HTTPS using Control Panel


Control Panel offers you the possibility to quickly and easily switch your portal to the secure HTTPS protocol.

This option is not currently available in the installation for Windows.

There are two ways to enable HTTPS for your portal via the Control Panel interface:

  • If you don't have any SSL certificates, you can generate a new signed certificate with one click. The Control Panel uses the letsencrypt.org service to generate the CA-signed certificates.
  • If you have an existing private key generated on your server and a public key certificate created on its base (self-signed or issued by a Certification Authority), you can simply upload them in the Control Panel.
View the information about self-signed and CA-signed certificates

To access Control Panel, sign in to your portal and click the 'Control Panel' link on the Start Page. Alternatively, you can go to the portal 'Settings' and click the 'Control Panel' link on the left-side panel.

Generate a new certificate

Port 80 must be open in order to successfully generate letsencrypt certificates.

To generate a new certificate:

HTTPS pageHTTPS page
  1. Open the HTTPS page in the COMMON SETTINGS section on the left sidebar.
  2. Click the GENERATE AND APPLY button. A popup message box will appear informing you that the certificate and private key are successfully generated.
  3. After that your Control Panel and portal will be restarted and become unavailable during this process. It can take up to 5 minutes. Once the certificate installation process is over, your portal will be available over HTTPS.

To remove the installed certificate, use the DELETE button.

Upload an existing certificate and private key

To use an existing .crt certificate and private .key key:

  1. Open the HTTPS page in the COMMON SETTINGS section on the left sidebar.
  2. Click the Plus button next to the CRT certificate field and select your .crt certificate to upload it.
  3. Click the Plus button next to the HTTPS key field and select your private .key key to upload it.
    Before uploading, please make sure that the private key is not encrypted. If you have a password-protected .key file, you will need to decrypt it first.
  4. Once the .crt and .key files are uploaded, click the APPLY button at the bottom of the page.
  5. After that your Control Panel and portal will be restarted and become unavailable during this process. It can take up to 5 minutes. Once the certificate installation process is over, your portal will be available over HTTPS. The domain name that your certificate was issued for is now displayed in the Generated on domain section of the HTTPS page in the Control Panel.
    CA-signed certificateCA-signed certificate

To remove the installed certificate, use the DELETE button.

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