Troubleshooting. ONLYOFFICE Docs

Compilation issues

Q:I cloned the code, but I find only empty folders, there is no source code.

A:The repository includes submodules. It is recommended to clone the repository executing the following command:

git clone --recursive

In case you have cloned the repository using the command:

git clone

you can update the submodules in the following way:

  1. Go to the DocumentServer directory:

    cd DocumentServer
  2. Run the following command:

    git submodule update --init --recursive

Usage issues

Q:Data loss has occurred when stopping ONLYOFFICE Docs. How to prevent data loss?

A:Due to the operational characteristic, ONLYOFFICE Docs saves a document only after the document has been closed by all the users who edited it. To avoid data loss, you must forcefully disconnect the ONLYOFFICE Docs users when you need to stop ONLYOFFICE Docs in cases of the application update, server reboot, etc. To do that, execute the following script on the server where ONLYOFFICE Docs is installed:

Executing the script may take a long time (up to 5 minutes).
Disconnecting users may take a long time (up to 5 minutes).

Q: I added a custom interface theme or updated my editor language files (corrected some translations) but the server still shows the previous values instead of the correct ones. How can I reset the cache for all the users at the same time?

A: Please follow the steps to reset the cache:

Find the /etc/nginx/includes/ds-docservice.conf and /etc/nginx/includes/ds-spellchecker.conf files. There must be the build date and time value. Change these values to some other (any value will do, but the main thing that it must be the same in all the places), and restart NGINX:

sudo service nginx reload

The cache should be reset for all the server users.

Please note that for the Docker installation, all the actions must be performed within the container.

Host ONLYOFFICE Docs on your own server or use it in the cloud

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