Exporting calendar to devices

Starting from v. 10.0, there is the possibility to synchronize calendars from the 'My Calendars' section using the CalDAV protocol. When you synchronize a calendar, all the changes made to existing events as well as newly created events will be displayed both in the third-party calendar for which the synchronization is enabled and in the portal web interface.

Please note that the synchronization via the CalDAV protocol is supported for new calendars only, i.e., for the calendars created after updating the portal to version 10.0. If a calendar has been created in an earlier portal version, the CalDAV synchronization will not work.

Starting from v. 10.5, it's also possible to export calendars from the Other Calendars section. The CalDAV calendar is created when trying to get a link for export (Export and Sync -> CalDAV). When exporting a calendar to devices, access rights to the calendar and events remain unchanged (for example, events from the Users' birthdays calendar cannot be changed, but you can modify events from the shared calendar if you have been granted full access to it).

Export a calendar to your Android device

Android devices do not have the built-in support for the CalDAV synchronization. To export a calendar, first you need to install a third-party app on your device, for example, OpenSync.

When the app is installed, open it.

If you are going to export not only calendar events but also todos, you'll also need to additionally install the OpenTasks app on your device to be able to export todos. When you launch the OpenSync app for the first time, the corresponding notification message appears. Click the Install OpenTasks to install the app.
  1. In the OpenSync app, click the Plus button in the lower right corner to add a new account.
    Exporting Calendar - Android deviceExporting Calendar - Android device
  2. Select the Login with URL and user name option.
  3. Specify the account settings:
    • Base URL - specify your portal address + /caldav/, for example,


    • User Name - specify the email address that you use to access the portal
    • Password - specify the password that you use to access the portal
    Exporting Calendar - Android deviceExporting Calendar - Android device
  4. Press Login in the lower right corner.
  5. Then press Create account.
  6. In the notification bar, a notification will appear informing that the app requires permissions. Tap the Request calendar permissions button, then provide the corresponding permissions by tapping the Allow button.
    If you are going to export todos, you'll also need to provide permissions for the OpenTasks app. Tap the Request OpenTasks permissions button, then provide the corresponding permissions by tapping the Allow button. When you launch the OpenTasks app for the first time, you'll also need to provide permissions via the app interface.
    Exporting Calendar - Android deviceExporting Calendar - Android device
  7. In the OpenSync app, tap the added account (by default the email address is used as the account name).
  8. All calendars from the My Calendars section of your account that support the CalDAV synchronization will be imported to the device and displayed in the CalDAV list. Check the calendars that you need to display in the default calendar app on your device.
    If you are going to import todos, you'll also need to enable the Todo_calendar by checking it in the list in the OpenSync app.
    Exporting Calendar - Android deviceExporting Calendar - Android device
  9. Open the default calendar app on your device. Refresh the calendar by tapping the menu button in the upper right corner and selecting the Refresh menu item. After that, the events from the exported calendar will be displayed in the default calendar on your device.
    Exporting Calendar - Android deviceExporting Calendar - Android device
    If you are going to import todos, open the OpenTasks app and refresh the todo list by tapping the menu button in the upper right corner and selecting the Refresh menu item. After that, the Todo_calendar will be displayed within the OpenTasks app.
    Exporting Calendar - Android deviceExporting Calendar - Android device

Export a calendar to your iOS device

To synchronize your portal calendar with a default calendar on your iOS device, please follow the easy steps below:

  1. On your iOS device, open the Settings menu and go to the Calendar (Passwords and accounts on iOS 13 and lower) section.
  2. Click Add account.
  3. Select the Other option in the list.
  4. Select the Add CalDAV account option.
    Exporting Calendar - iOS deviceExporting Calendar - iOS device
  5. Specify the account settings:
    • Server - specify your portal address + /caldav/, for example,


    • User - specify the email address that you use to access your account on the portal
    • Password - specify the password that you use to access your account on the portal
    Exporting Calendar - iOS deviceExporting Calendar - iOS device

    The settings will be verified and saved.

  6. Tap the added account and go to the advanced settings.
    • Tap Advanced.
    • In the Account URL field, the URL address must be specified in the following form:


      Correct the URL by adding login@example.com@portalname.onlyoffice.com/

      Where login@example.com is the email address that you use to access your account on the portal

      Exporting Calendar - iOS deviceExporting Calendar - iOS device
    • Return to the previous screen and save the settings by tapping Done.
      After you press the Done button, return to the advanced settings and verify once again that the data is specified correctly.

After that, the exported calendar will be available in the calendar list, and the events from it will be displayed in the default calendar on your device.

Export a calendar to the Thunderbird application

To synchronize your portal calendar with the Mozilla Thunderbird application, please follow the easy steps below:

  1. In your portal calendar, copy the CalDAV link:
    1. Hover the mouse pointer over the calendar from the "My Calendars" or "Other Calendars" section you wish to export,
    2. Click the Pencil Icon icon thatappears to the right of the calendar title,
    3. Click the Export and Sync link in the Edit calendar window,
    4. Copy the entire link provided in the CalDAV section by clicking the Copy option,
      Exporting Calendar - Mozilla ThunderbirdExporting Calendar - Mozilla Thunderbird
      It's also possible to connect the to-do list to Mozilla Thunderbird. To obtain the link, perform the following actions in your portal calendar:
      1. Click the Todo button in the upper right corner to open the To-do panel,
      2. Click the Settings icon on the To-do panel,
      3. Click the Export and Sync option,
      4. Copy the provided CalDAV link by clicking the Copy option.
  2. Create a new calendar in the Mozilla Thunderbird:
    1. Right-click the calendar list on the left.
    2. Select the New calendar option from the drop-down menu.
    3. Select the On the Network option in the Create New Calendar window and click Next.
      Exporting Calendar - Mozilla ThunderbirdExporting Calendar - Mozilla Thunderbird
    4. Select the CalDAV option.
    5. Paste the copied CalDAV link into the Location field and press Next.

      The Offline Support option is selected by default. It allows you to work with the calendar when you are in offline mode.

      Exporting Calendar - Mozilla ThunderbirdExporting Calendar - Mozilla Thunderbird
    6. Enter a title and choose a color for the calendar you add. Click Next.
      Exporting Calendar - Mozilla ThunderbirdExporting Calendar - Mozilla Thunderbird
    7. You would receive the confirmation that the calendar was created. Click Finish.
    8. When the calendar is created, you'll also need to specify your credentials. Specify the login (email address) and password that you use to access your account on the portal.
      Exporting Calendar - Mozilla ThunderbirdExporting Calendar - Mozilla Thunderbird

To refresh the calendar, use the Synchronize button on the top.

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