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- Receiving audit trail data
Receiving audit trail data
The Audit Trail section of the Control Panel allows you to browse through the list of the latest changes (creation, modification, deletion, etc.) made by users to the entities (tasks, opportunities, files, etc.) on your portal.
To access Control Panel, sign in to your portal and click the 'Control Panel' link on the Start Page. Alternatively, you can go to the portal 'Settings' and click the 'Control Panel' link on the left-side panel.
Viewing audit trail data
Switch to the Control Panel within the necessary portal and open the Audit Trail page in the PORTAL SETTINGS section on the left sidebar.
This page displays only the last 20 records. Each record shows which action took place, who performed it and when the event occurred. You can also set the period to store the data. By default, it is set to 180 days.

To view the detailed statistics for the latest half year click the Download and open report button. The report will open in an .xlsx spreadsheet (AuditTrail_ReportStartDate-EndDate.xlsx).
The audit trail report includes the following details: user IP address, Browser and Platform which were being used when the registered event occurred, Date and time of the event, name of the User who performed the operation, portal Page where the action has been performed, generic Action Type (for example, download, attach, updated access), specific Action (for example, Projects [Product development and promotion]. Tasks [Distribute coupons]. Status Updated: Closed ), Product and Module that the changed entity is referred to.
The records are sorted chronologically in descending order, but you can easily sort and filter the data by any parameter or use the search tool to quickly find a specific record.