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Languages available at your portal
Languages available for ONLYOFFICE Workspace interface
ONLYOFFICE Workspace interface is available in 27 languages. The list is changing as new translators wish to have ONLYOFFICE Workspace in their own language and help us participating in translation. Below is the table of all the languages currently available for ONLYOFFICE Workspace:
Language | Locale | Completion Rate1 |
Azeri - Latin | Lt-az-AZ | 87% |
Bulgarian | bg-BG | 70% |
Chinese - Simplified | zh-CN | 69% |
Czech | cs-CZ | 62% |
Dutch | nl-NL | 63% |
English (United Kingdom) | en-GB | 100% |
English (United States) | en-US | 100% |
Finnish | fi-FI | 46% |
French | fr-FR | 100% |
German (Germany) | de-DE | 100% |
German (Switzerland) | de-CH | 100% |
Greek | el-GR | 34% |
Italian | it-IT | 88% |
Japanese | ja-JP | 64% |
Korean | ko-KR | 30% |
Latvian | lv-LV | 60% |
Polish | pl-PL | 63% |
Portuguese | pt-PT | 21% |
Portuguese - Brazilian | pt-BR | 99% |
Russian | ru-RU | 100% |
Slovak | sk-SK | 63% |
Slovenian | sl-SI | 39% |
Spanish (Mexico) | es-MX | 100% |
Spanish (Spain) | es-ES | 100% |
Turkish | tr-TR | 65% |
Ukrainian | uk-UA | 61% |
Vietnamese | vi-VN | 62% |
Languages not yet available on the portals
Language | Locale | Completion Rate1 | Server | Document Server |
Afrikaans | af-ZA | 0% | ||
Arabic - Tunisia | ar-TN | 0% | ||
Arabic - United Arab Emirates | ar-AE | 6% | ||
Bosnian | bs-BA | 13% | ||
Burmese | my-MM | 0% | ||
Croatian | hr-HR | 4% | ||
Estonian | et-EE | 2% | ||
Farsi | fa-IR | 2% | ||
Georgian | ka-GE | 2% | ||
Hindi | hi-IN | 9% | ||
Kazakh | kk-KZ | 8% | ||
Lithuanian | lt-LT | 24% | ||
Mongolian | mn-MN | 1% | ||
Swahili | sw-KE | 0% | ||
Tajik | tg-Cyrl-TJ | 0% | ||
Thai | th-TH | 1% |
1 Completion rate given in percent shows the translation performance into one of the available languages. 100% means that everything at your portal is already translated. 50% means that the half of the portal interface is still available in English. 0% means that there were translators who wanted to contribute to translation in this language but couldn't start translating for some unknown reason. The completion rate values were rounded up.
- Languages you can select in the languages list on the customization page at your portal. The instruction on how to change the portal language can be found in this tip.
- Languages that are being translated into and can't be found in the languages list at your portal yet.
Helpful Hints
How to change the current portal language?
Please refer to this page to read the detailed instructions on how to switch to another language at your portal.
What if I need a language that isn't available at portal yet? Is there any way to speed up the translation process into one of the languages that is already in progress?
The only way is to participate in the translation! If you'd like to contribute, please read this guide on how to become an ONLYOFFICE translator or write to us at documentation@onlyoffice.com.
Where can I find more information about translation of Document Server (or Community Server, or Desktop Editors)?
You can visit the following pages to find information about the translation of ONLYOFFICE products: