
Integration settings

The Integration section is used to enable the LDAP settings, enable the SSO settings, add plugins, integrate DocSpace with third-party services and adjust the SMTP settings. In the server version, you can also connect ONLYOFFICE Docs.

LDAP settings

When using ONLYOFFICE DocSpace, the first thing that you need to do is to create accounts for all your company employees. But if it numbers more than 50 persons, the process of creating new portal users will take a lot of time. The LDAP Settings option allows you to import the necessary users and groups from an LDAP Server (e.g. OpenLDAP Server or Microsoft Active Directory) to DocSpace, literally, in several minutes. The newly created users, in turn, don't need to memorize new passwords and logins because they will sign in to DocSpace using their credentials stored on your LDAP Server.

In the SaaS version, this is a Paid feature (available for the paid Business plan only).

Fill out the required fields and click Save.

LDAP settings - Main pageLDAP settings - Main page

For more detailed information on each field and corresponding values, please refer to the following instructions.

Single sign-on settings

The Single Sign-on section allows you to enable/disable third-party authentication using SAML, thereby providing users with a quicker, easier and more secure way to access the DocSpace.

In the SaaS version, this is a Paid feature (available for the paid Business plan only).

Generally, the Single Sign-on technology allows users to sign in only once and then get access to multiple authorized (i.e. integrated with an Identity Provider) applications/services without having to enter their credentials each time they access a different application.

Enabling SSO AuthenticationEnabling SSO Authentication

To learn more about configuring SSO, read this article.


Add plugins to extend the functionality of DocSpace with extra features.

There are two types of plugins: system ones, which we develop ourselves, and custom ones. You can download a custom plugin on this page if this option is enabled in the config (in the SaaS version, only system plugins are available).

Currently, the following plugins are available:, PDF-Converter, Speech-to-text, Markdown.

Developer ToolsDeveloper Tools

For more details on DocSpace plugin SDK, please refer to

Third-party service integration

Use Authorization keys to connect your DocSpace with third-party services: Amazon AWS S3, AppleBox.comDropBoxFacebookGoogle Cloud StorageLinkedInOneDriveTwitter, Rackspace Cloud StorageZoom.

In the SaaS version, some services are available for the paid Business plan only (Facebook, Amazon AWS S3, Google Cloud Storage, Rackspace Cloud Storage).

  • Connect your Apple, FBLinkedIn, Twitter, Zoom account to log in to your DocSpace quickly. In the cloud version, the authorization keys parameters for these services are set up automatically. Integration with Zoom is currently available in the server version only.
  • Link up your DocSpace with BoxDropboxOneDrive to use the connected account as a third-party resource when creating backups. In the cloud version, the authorization keys parameters for these services are set up automatically.
  • Connect the Amazon AWS S3Google Cloud StorageRackspace Cloud Storage or service to use the connected cloud storage as a third-party storage when creating backups.

For more details on the third-party service integration, please refer to our instructions.

Adjusting Integration SettingsAdjusting Integration Settings

SMTP settings

The SMTP Settings subsection allows you to configure your DocSpace so that the email notifications to be sent using your own SMTP server. To do that,

  • In the Host field, specify the domain name of the SMTP server you use.
  • In the Port field, specify the SMTP port number. It's recommended to use port 587 or 25.
  • Turn on the Authentication switcher if the SMTP server requires authentication.
  • In the Host login and Host password fields, specify the login and password you use to access the SMTP server.
  • Check the Auth via NTLM box to be able to login using SaslMechanismNtlm.
  • In the Sender Display Name field, specify the name of the sender which will be displayed in the From: field.
  • In the Sender Email Address field, specify the email address of the sender.
  • Check the Enable SSL box to enable encrypted connections.
  • Click the Save button.
    To verify whether the specified settings are correct, click the Send Test Mail button. If the settings are specified correctly, you'll receive the SMTP Test Message to the email address specified in your user profile on the portal.
Adjusting SMTP SettingsAdjusting SMTP Settings

Document Service settings

The Document Service subsection allows you to connect ONLYOFFICE Docs (in the server version only). To do that:

  1. Go to the DocSpace Settings and select the Integration -> Document Service section.
  2. Fill in all the fields with the appropriate ONLYOFFICE Docs/ONLYOFFICE DocSpace addresses.
    • Document Editing Service Address - specify the URL address where ONLYOFFICE Docs is installed. If you install ONLYOFFICE Docs on a custom port, you must specify the port, e.g.: http://127.0. 0.1:8081/
      ImportantThe address of ONLYOFFICE Docs must be accessible from ONLYOFFICE DocSpace, as well as the address of ONLYOFFICE DocSpace must be accessible from ONLYOFFICE Docs.
    • In the Document Service address for requests from DocSpace field, specify the address that is used to access ONLYOFFICE Docs from ONLYOFFICE DocSpace.
    • In the DocSpace address for requests from the Document Service field, specify the address that is used to access ONLYOFFICE DocSpace from ONLYOFFICE Docs.

    If your ONLYOFFICE Docs/ONLYOFFICE DocSpace installations are not switched to https, please, make sure that you specify http in the addresses.

  3. Save the settings by clicking the Save button.
Connecting ONLYOFFICE DocsConnecting ONLYOFFICE Docs
Starting from ONLYOFFICE Docs v7.2, JWT is enabled by default and the secret key is generated automatically. You need to specify the JWT parameters in the ONLYOFFICE DocSpace configuration file as well. For more details, see this article.

Host ONLYOFFICE DocSpace on your own server or use it in the cloud

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