Deploying ONLYOFFICE Docs Enterprise Edition in Cloudron


Now you can easily deploy ONLYOFFICE Docs Enterprise Edition in Cloudron - a complete solution for running applications on your server with just a few clicks via the provided application in the Cloudron App Store.


  • Document Editor
  • Spreadsheet Editor
  • Presentation Editor
  • Mobile web viewers
  • Mobile web editors
  • Collaborative editing
  • Hieroglyph support
  • Support for all the popular formats: DOC, DOCX, TXT, ODT, RTF, ODP, EPUB, ODS, XLS, XLSX, CSV, PPTX, HTML

See the detailed list of features available for ONLYOFFICE Docs Enterprise Edition.

Once your ONLYOFFICE Enterprise app is launched, you can integrate it with one of the cloud storage platforms, such as Alfresco, Confluence, Chamilo, Liferay, Nextcloud, ownCloud, SharePoint, HumHub, Plone, Nuxeo etc. Visit the Integration section to find all the available connectors.

Step 1. Install the ONLYOFFICE Enterprise application on your Cloudron

Log in to your Cloudron account and go to the Cloudron App Store.

Find ONLYOFFICE Enterprise in the Documents category and open it.

Install ONLYOFFICE Enterprise in CloudronInstall ONLYOFFICE Enterprise in Cloudron

In the window that opens, click the Install button and configure the following parameters:

  • Location - add a subdomain or leave the blank space empty to use bare domain. Further, this path will be the path to ONLYOFFICE Enterprise.
  • Dashboard visibility - specify what group of users will be able to use the application:
    • Visible to all users on this Cloudron, or
    • Only visible to the following users and groups.
Configure ONLYOFFICE Enterprise in CloudronConfigure ONLYOFFICE Enterprise in Cloudron

Wait for ONLYOFFICE Enterprise to install and start automatically in a few minutes.

Step 2. Configure ONLYOFFICE Enterprise app

Find the recently installed ONLYOFFICE Enterprise in My Apps and click the App settings icon button to enter the app settings section.

Then open File Manager to access the app's file system, edit the /app/data/config/production-linux.json file and change the default secret to your own unique secret key.

"secret": {"string": "mysecret""outbox": {"string": "mysecret"}

Where mysecret is your new secret key used to sign the data. It is the secret to validate the JSON web token in the request to ONLYOFFICE Docs.

Note: be sure to change the two secrets above to the same unique password.

Next, you need to add a license key. Place the license.lic file to the following application folder:


Restart the ONLYOFFICE Enterprise app to pick up the license and update the secret key.

Step 3. Integrate with third-party solutions

ONLYOFFICE Enterprise can be integrated with many various platforms. For example, you can install Confluence, Moodle, Nextcloud, and Redmine right within Cloudron and connect them with ONLYOFFICE Docs via corresponding connectors and plugins.

To find more information on how to connect ONLYOFFICE Docs with other services, visit our Integration section for Confluence, Moodle, Nextcloud, and Redmine.

Host ONLYOFFICE Docs on your own server or use it in the cloud

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