Updating ONLYOFFICE Docs for Windows to the latest version


This guide will show you how to update your ONLYOFFICE Docs Community Edition Windows version to the latest version.

Our support policy is that we support only the latest stable version. We regularly release new versions of ONLYOFFICE Docs which include new features and bug fixes. If you are using an old version of ONLYOFFICE Docs, we recommend upgrading to the latest version.

Step 1. Shutting down ONLYOFFICE Docs

Due to the operational characteristic, ONLYOFFICE Docs saves a document only after the document has been closed by all the users who edited it. To avoid data loss, you must forcefully disconnect the ONLYOFFICE Docs users when you need to stop ONLYOFFICE Docs in case of the application update. To do that, run the following .bat file:

"C:\Program Files\ONLYOFFICE\DocumentServer\bin\documentserver-prepare4shutdown.bat"
Executing the script may take a long time (up to 5 minutes).
Disconnecting users may take a long time (up to 5 minutes).

Step 2. Uninstalling ONLYOFFICE Docs

Right-click the Windows Start button, open the Control Panel and go to the Programs -> Programs and features section.

Find ONLYOFFICE Docs in the list and uninstall it.

Step 3. Installing a new version of ONLYOFFICE Docs

Download the latest version of ONLYOFFICE Docs Community Edition installation file.

Double-click the onlyoffice-documentserver.exe file you have just downloaded to launch the installation wizard.

If you've installed the previous version using a different port and want to install the new version in the same way, please refer to the installation instruction for more details on how to install ONLYOFFICE Docs Community Edition to your Windows machine.

Once the installation process is over, run ONLYOFFICE Docs and check it for correct work.

The database schema has been changed in v6.3. When updating to v6.3, you may also need to upgrade the database schema to ensure the ability to use the password protection feature.
  1. Download the script for upgrading the database schema.
  2. Execute the script using the command line.
    • For PostgreSQL: psql.exe -U onlyoffice -W onlyoffice < {path-to-upgradev630.sql}
    • For MySQL: mysql.exe -u root -p onlyoffice < {path-to-upgradev630.sql}

    Specify the password used when creating the database (onlyoffice).

Host ONLYOFFICE Docs on your own server or use it in the cloud

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