Assigning a color to your calendar

Assigning different colors to your calendars helps you distinguish events that belong to them at a glance or even group your calendars. For example, you can select a single color for all project-related or shared calendars to find the needed events easily or to set priorities on them. Please read this tip for more detailed information.

Bare Bones Instructions

To assign a certain color to your existing calendar, please follow the easy steps below:

  1. Enter your portal using your login details.
  2. Click the Calendar icon icon in the right upper corner.
  3. You will see all your calendars on the left side. Hover your mouse cursor over the needed one and click the appeared Edit Calendar icon - pencil icon to open the 'Edit Calendar' window.
  4. Click a square with the Color caption to assign another color to your calendar and a square with the Text Color caption to select another color for the text within the calendar events.
  5. Press the Save button to apply the changes you made.

The same way you can assign or change the color of other calendars.

Helpful Hints

Can I assign a custom color?

To assign a custom color that isn't present on the available color palette, enter its sRGB value into a special field and click a square next to it on the palette. Then press the 'Save' button within the 'Edit Calendar' window, and the custom color will be applied to your calendar.

An sRGB color value represents a hexadecimal number prefixed by a hash mark and is case-insensitive. You can find the majority of the sRGB values here.

How to create a new calendar and assign a color to it?

Please follow the easy steps below:

  1. Enter your portal using your login details.
  2. Click the Calendar icon icon in the right upper corner.
  3. Press the arrow next to the 'Create New' button and select the 'Calendar' option.
  4. In the opened 'Create New Calendar' window, enter a name for the new calendar, set the alert time, and add users for sharing if needed.

Then follow the instructions given above to assign a color to your new calendar.

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