Reporting templates with automatic delivery by E-mail

Are you tired of generating reports manually? Now you can set up needed parameters once and regularly receive automatic reports by email on certain date and time. You save lots of time and keep up with everything new at your portal.

Bare Bones Instructions

Follow these simple steps to create a report template:

  1. Enter your portal.
  2. Click the Projects link on the start page.
  3. In the opened 'Projects' module, click the Reports option at the left-side panel.
  4. Select the needed report type on the left and configure report parameters on the right. To learn more about report types and their settings, please, visit this page.
  5. Press the Create Template button.
  6. In the opened window, enter a title for your report template. If you want to receive reports created on the basis of this template regularly via email, check the Generate such report automatically box. Then specify a certain time period and time of the day when you want to receive reports.
  7. Click the Save button to accept the changes you made.

After that, you will regularly receive reports on the basis of the created template via email.

Helpful Hints

Will reports be sent at the exact time I specified?

It may happen that you won't receive your reports precisely at the time you specified. But you can be sure that reports will be delivered within 15 minutes after the time you specified.

Can I use the created template to generate reports manually?

To generate a report on the basis of the template you created, click the 'Reports' option on the left-side panel, select one of the existing templates from the templates list, and click the 'Generate Report' button.

How can I edit the delivery settings of an existing report template?

To edit the settings of your created template, click the 'Reports' option, select the template you need to alter from the templates list, change its title or time settings, and click the 'Save' button after that.

You can also delete an unnecessary template or generate a report from one of the templates.

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