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Keeping contacts up-to-date
An effective well-organized customer database enables you to communicate better with your customers and increase your sales. This guide will show you how to maintain your customer database: arrange and update the available contact information.
Step 1. Access the CRM
Enter your ONLYOFFICE portal and click the CRM link.

In case you have already logged in to the portal and been using it for some time, to access the CRM module from any portal page, use the drop-down list in the top left corner of the page and select the corresponding option.
Step 2. Filter your database information
Your customer database can include as many contacts as you wish whether your customers are big companies or single individuals.
By default, all the available companies and persons are displayed in the Contacts list. To find a necessary contact make use of our filter at the top of the list.
Click the button and select one of the options:
- MANAGER is used to display the contacts assigned to you or to any other CRM user;
- CREATION DATE is used to display the contacts with the creation date within the specified period of time: Last month, Yesterday, Today, This month or any other custom period;
- ACCESSIBILITY is used to display all public or restricted contacts;
- SHOW is used to display all companies or all persons only, or show the contacts with opportunities;
- TEMPERATURE LEVEL is used to display the contacts of a certain temperature level only. The default levels are: cold, warm or hot;
- CONTACT TYPES is used to display the contacts of a certain type only. The default types are: Client, Competitor, Partner, Supplier;
- WITH TAG is used to display the contacts with a specified tag only.
You can also enter a contact name, entirely or partially, in the Filter field and press the Enter key to find the necessary one. To facilitate the search use the wildcards:
- use the question mark ? to perform the single-character wildcard search. For example, when you use the Sm?th query, it will return results for Smith and Smyth.
- use the asterisk * to perform the multiple-character wildcard search. For example, to search for all the words beginning with O, use the O* query.
- use the double quotes "" to focus the results on words that appear as an exact phrase.
- use the tilde ~ at the end of the word to search for the words similar in spelling.

When the necessary contact is located click its title to open the contact information page.
Step 3. Choose a picture for your contact
Adding an image for your contact - photos or company logo - makes it easier to recognize your contacts. To add/change a picture click the Change photo link below the image area. The Choose a profile photo window will open.
If you wish to upload a picture from PC click the Browse button, locate a desired picture stored on your hard disk drive and double-click it to load.
If you previously filled the social network user field in the contact profile the images from the social networks will be displayed in the Choose a profile photo window. Click the one you wish to use for a contact.

To remove a picture click the Change photo link and in the opened Choose a profile photo window select the default image.
Step 4. Update the existing contact information
The problem that many companies face with customer database is the outdated and duplicated information. The improper and incorrect data might cause you to waste time and money.
To update the selected contact information click the icon to the right of the contact name and select the Edit contact option from the drop-down list.
The Edit person/company page will open. Here you can:
modify the available information
The available data are: first name, last name, company name, position, email, phone, web site/social network, address, description.delete the unnecessary data
Use theicon next to the unnecessary field to delete it.
set the information priority
Use theicon next to the field to mark it as primary. This information will be displayed in the general contact list.
enter the additional information
Click the correspondingicon or add the user fields to add some more information about your contact.

To save the changes you made click the Save Changes button.
Step 5. Arrange your contacts
Arranging your contacts into groups will help you create marketing campaigns, track your contacts and simply facilitate the contact search process. In order to arrange your contacts you can divide them into types, set an appropriate temperature level and add tags.
To tag your contact click the Add Tag link in the General Information section of the contact profile page. Select one of the available tags, if present or enter a tag you need and click the OK button to confirm it.

In the same way you can add as many tags as you wish.
To delete an unnecessary tag point to it and click the icon that appears to the right.
Step 6. Delete your contacts
If you need to remove an old customer from your system, click the icon to the right of the contact name and select the Delete contact option from the drop-down list.

The selected contact with all the associated information will be removed from your system.