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- Creating invoices for your clients
Creating invoices for your clients
When the sales cycle is completed, you can create an invoice for the products and services you have provided and send it to the client. CRM allows you to do it quickly and easily. Just fill in the fields of the invoice form and send it as an attachment to your client using Mail.
Step 1. Access the CRM
Enter your portal and click the CRM link.

In case you have already logged in to the portal and been using it for some time, to access the CRM module from any portal page, use the drop-down list in the top left corner of the page and select the corresponding option.
Step 2. Specify your company information
Before you start creating an invoice, you need to complete your organization profile.
To do that, expand the Settings section at the left side panel, select the Invoice settings option, then click the Organization Profile link to open the corresponding page. On this page you can:
- Specify your company name.
Go to the Basic Information section, enter the name, and click the Save button below the field.
- Add your company logo.
Go to the Invoice logo section, click the Change Logo button below the default logo image, select the necessary image file stored on your computer, and click the Save button below the displayed invoice image. To restore the default image, use the Restore to Default button.
- Enter your company billing address.
Go to the Address section. Fill in all the fields: Address, City, State, and Zip Code, select the Country from the corresponding drop-down list, and click the Save button below the address fields.

This information will be used for all your future invoices. But you can always change it on this Organization Profile page.
To specify the conditions under which your company will complete a sale, like suitable payment methods and details, make use of the Terms field while creating an invoice (refer to step 5).
Step 3. Start creating an invoice
To start creating an invoice, you may proceed in one of the following ways:
- Click the Create New... button in the upper left corner and select the Invoice option.
- Open the Contacts list, select the contact you need to make an invoice for, switch to its Profile page by clicking the title, and use the Make out an invoice button below the contact information.

The Create new invoice form will be opened.
Step 4. Enter your client information
Click within the Client filter field or start typing your client name to find him/her in your customer database. Once located, click the contact name.
Specify the billing address by clicking the Add billing address link that appears below the contact name. If you added it while creating the contact, the available billing address information will be automatically taken from the customer database. If not, enter the required information: City, Address, State, Zip code, select a Country from the drop-down list, and click the Save button.

To specify a Consignee, use the corresponding filter field. Then add the delivery address using the Add delivery address link that appears below the consignee name.
If the Consignee coincides with the Client just check the coincides with the client box and verify the delivery address by clicking the Add delivery address link that appears next to the Add billing address link in the Client section.
To express your gratitude to a customer for the purchase and/or to provide a special offer, for example, a 20% discount if the invoice is paid within 5 days, make use of the Client notes field.
Step 5. Set the general invoice parameters
Check the Invoice number generated automatically. If you have the administrator rights (CRM/full access), you can change the number format by clicking the Change format link next to the Invoice number field and entering the necessary prefix and number format in the fields of the opened Change format window.
The Invoice Date, i.e., the date the invoice was issued, is set to the current one by default. If necessary, you can change it by selecting it from the calendar or entering it manually in the following format: dd/mm/yyyy.
To set the Due date, i.e., the date by which the invoice needs to be paid, use one of the available options on the right: Due on receipt, 15 days, 30 days, or 45 days, or select it from the calendar, or enter it manually in the following format: dd/mm/yyyy.
Select a Language for your invoice from the Invoice language drop-down list. If your language is not yet present in the list of the available ones or the translation to your language is not complete, you may contribute to the translation by sending your request at documentation@onlyoffice.com.
Choose a Currency for the invoice. By default, the currency specified in the profile of the client is used. If the currency is not set in the client's profile, the default currency specified in the CRM settings is used. If necessary, you can select any other currency from the list of the available ones.
If you select a currency that differs from the default currency specified in the CRM settings, the Exchange rate field is also displayed. Set the appropriate conversion rate and click the Save button.
Enter a purchase order number (PO Number), if available, and specify your payment Terms. If you wish to specify the general terms for all your future invoices, click the Set default link below the Terms field, enter your terms, and click the Save button.

Step 6. Complete the Products&Services list
To specify the products and services you provided to the client, refer to Products&Services section of your invoice. To add an item to your invoice, open the Item drop-down list and select one of the available items (if you have already created the Invoice Item List) or create a new item right there:
- select the Create new item option from the Item drop-down list,
- fill in the Item name and Price fields,
- click the Create button to add this item to the Invoice Item List.

Then specify the current item details:
- Enter the Quantity of the products/services provided.
- Check and correct the Price.
- Specify the Discount rate, if applied.
- Select the Tax, if imposed, from the Tax drop-down list.
You can select one of the available taxes from the list if the Tax List is already created, or create a new one right there using the Create new tax if you have CRM or portal administrator rights.
If the double taxation is applied, use the second Tax field to select the second tax to be imposed. - Enter the item Description.
Use the Add Line link to add as many products/services to your invoice as you need.
Step 7. Save and manage your invoice
When all the fields are filled in, check the Invoice Total calculated automatically on the basis of the product/service details provided (see step 6) and click the Add This Invoice button.

The saved invoice will be added to the invoice Drafts and displayed in the Invoices tab of the selected contact/opportunity profile. At the Documents tab of the selected contact/opportunity profile, you will find the PDF copy of this invoice. As soon as the invoice is sent to your client, paid or rejected by him/her, you can change its status in the Invoices list.
- check the invoice you need in the Invoices list,
- click the Change Status button above,
- select the appropriate status: Draft, Billed, Paid, or Rejected.
You can also change your invoice status by selecting the corresponding option from the Actions drop-down list.

Using the same Actions menu, you can easily perform the following operations:
- Show invoice profile to see what your invoice looks like to your client.
- Download the created invoice as a PDF file and save it on your computer's hard drive.
- Send by email as an attachment using Mail.
- Duplicate invoice to create a new invoice on the basis of the existing one.
- Edit invoice with the Draft status.
- Delete this invoice.