Decorating posts

It's boring to read posts or comments containing pure plain text only. Let's decorate them, adding colors, styles, hyperlinks, images, etc. Formatting your text, you can not only make it good-looking, but also highlight some important points, demonstrate something using images, and give a link to an internal or external source.

The instructions on how to write your blog posts, create an event, or start a forum or project-related discussion you can find in the corresponding sections. Reading this tip, you can learn how to decorate them.

After entering your text into the text field, have a look at the Formatting Toolbar at its top:

Formatting Toolbar

Using the tools situated on the Formatting Toolbar you can decorate your text as you wish:


Undo (undo) - use this tool to undo the last action.

Redo (redo) - use this tool to redo the last undone action.

Font Formatting

Font name (font name) - use this tool to change the font style of the text. By default, it is set to Open Sans.

Size (size) - use this tool to make the selected word or phrase larger or smaller.

Bold (bold) - use this tool to highlight important words and give feeling to your text.

Italics (italics) - use this tool to emphasize words or phrases.

Underline (underline) - use this tool to highlight important words.

Strike through (strike through) - use this tool to cross out some words or phrases.

Text color (text color) - use this tool to set a color for the selected word or phrase.

Remove format (remove format) - use this tool to restore the initial state of your text without decoration and with standard color as well as font size.

Background color

Background color (background color) - use this tool to set the background color for the text, selected word, or phrase.

Text and Paragraph Formatting

Left justify (left justify) - use this tool to align your text by the left side.

Center justify (center justify) - use this tool to align your text by both sides.

Right justify (right justify) - use this tool to align your text by the right side.

Justify (justify) - use this tool to align your text by both left and right sides of the page.

>Lists and Indentation

Decrease indent (decrease indent) - use this tool to decrease the indentation of a paragraph or group of paragraphs.

Increase indent (increase indent) - use this tool to increase the indentation of a paragraph or group of paragraphs.

The Decrease Indent and Increase Indent options are available only in Mail.

Insert/remove numbered list (insert/remove numbered list) - use this tool to create or edit a numbered list.

Insert/remove bulleted list (insert/remove bulleted list) - use this tool to create or edit a bulleted list.

Object Insertion

Image (image) - use this tool to add an image by entering its URL address or uploading it to the server, and setting other parameters in a separate window.

Smiley (smiley) - use this tool to add a smiley to your post.

Block quote (block quote) - use this tool to add a quote from another author to your post.

The Block Quote option is available in Mail only.

Link (link) - use this tool to add a link to an internal or external source.

Unlink (unlink) - use this tool to delete the inserted link to an internal or external source.

Text Cut

Hide from preview (hide from preview) - use this tool to truncate your post, so that only its first part is displayed on the feed pages and the blog/discussion list page. At the end of the first part of your post, a link will be placed pointing the reader to the full content of your post.

This option is available in blogs and project discussions only.

Source (source) - use this tool to switch to the HTML view of your text with all the related HTML tags.

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