Installing ONLYOFFICE Workspace Community from RPM/DEB packages using the provided script


ONLYOFFICE Workspace Community is a free version of collaborative system developed to manage documents, projects, customer relationship and email correspondence, all in one place.

ONLYOFFICE Workspace Community can be installed using an automatic installation script for Linux operating systems. The script will set up all the components necessary for ONLYOFFICE Workspace Community correct work and is easy to run, manage and update.

This guide will show you how to install ONLYOFFICE Workspace Community to your machine using RPM/DEB packages with the help of the provided script. This installation method allows to install ONLYOFFICE Docs, ONLYOFFICE Community Server, ONLYOFFICE Control Panel, and ONLYOFFICE Talk at once (without ONLYOFFICE Mail which can be installed later). Alternatively, you can run this script and select an option to install ONLYOFFICE Workspace Community using Docker.

System requirements
  • CPU
    at least 4-core (6-core recommended)
  • RAM
    at least 8 GB (12 GB recommended)
  • HDD
    at least 40 GB of free space
  • Additional requirements
    at least 6 GB of swap
  • OS
    amd64 Linux distribution with kernel version 3.10 or later
Though running ONLYOFFICE Workspace Community is a very resourceful operation, you will not have to allocate swap space before you start installation. When you run the installation script, a 6 Gb swap file is created automatically.

Getting ONLYOFFICE Workspace Community script

Download ONLYOFFICE Workspace Community installation script file. You can do that using our site download page. Or the direct download link can be used, if it is more convenient for you:


Once the download is finished, you can start the installation process.

Running ONLYOFFICE Workspace Community installation

Please note that all installation actions must be performed with root rights.

To start the installation process run the following command:


Once you enter the above command, you will be prompted to select the way you want to install ONLYOFFICE Workspace. Type N and press Enter to install ONLYOFFICE Workspace Community using RPM/DEB packages.

If you have some programs already installed on your machine, some ports necessary for ONLYOFFICE Workspace Community operation may be used by other applications. In this case you'll be asked to verify if the necessary ports are free. To find out which program is using a certain port, you can execute the following command:
netstat -lnp | grep :<port_number>

After that you may reconfigure the program to use another port. When the required ports are free, you'll be able to rerun the script and select the installation from RPM/DEB packages again.

The script will automatically install and configure all the necessary prerequisites as well as ONLYOFFICE Workspace Community components (ONLYOFFICE Docs, Control Panel and ONLYOFFICE Workspace).

If you are using CentOS, SELinux may prevent NGINX from starting. To avoid this issue you can configure or disable SELinux as it is described in this article.

Once the installation is finished you can check ONLYOFFICE Workspace Community for correct work. Open a browser and enter the local network computer IP address (please do not use either localhost or network address for the same computer where you have ONLYOFFICE Workspace Community installed, use its IP address in the local network instead) to the browser address bar. ONLYOFFICE Workspace Community must be up and running indicating the successful installation.

If you install ONLYOFFICE Workspace Community using RPM/DEB packages, the HTTPS and Update sections will not be available in the Control Panel and you will need to manually install ONLYOFFICE Mail and connect it to ONLYOFFICE Workspace Community. In such a case you can follow corresponding instructions to install and connect ONLYOFFICE Mail.

When installing ONLYOFFICE Workspace Community on Debian-based systems, some values are stored in debconf. These parameters are used for further update. For example, database connection parameters.

If you manually change these parameters in the configuration files, an error will occur when updating. To avoid the error, you need to change the parameters in the debconf using the following commands:

echo "onlyoffice-communityserver onlyoffice-communityserver/db-host select Newhost" | debconf-set-selections
echo "onlyoffice-communityserver onlyoffice-communityserver/db-user select Newuser" | debconf-set-selections
echo "onlyoffice-communityserver onlyoffice-communityserver/db-name select Newname" | debconf-set-selections
echo "onlyoffice-communityserver onlyoffice-communityserver/db-pwd password Newpassword" | debconf-set-selections
echo "onlyoffice-xmppserver onlyoffice-xmppserver/db-host select Newhost" | debconf-set-selections
echo "onlyoffice-xmppserver onlyoffice-xmppserver/db-user select Newuser" | debconf-set-selections
echo "onlyoffice-xmppserver onlyoffice-xmppserver/db-name select Newname" | debconf-set-selections
echo "onlyoffice-xmppserver onlyoffice-xmppserver/db-pwd password Newpassword" | debconf-set-selections

Other ways to install ONLYOFFICE Workspace Community using RPM/DEB packages

When you run the script and select the "N" option, this runs the additional script intended for installing ONLYOFFICE Workspace Community using RPM/DEB packages: (depending on your operating system). Alternatively, you can download and run this script itself. It's also possible to run it using additional parameters. The necessary commands are listed below.

For RedHat
  • Get the installation script:
  • Install ONLYOFFICE Workspace Community using RPM packages:
    bash -it WORKSPACE
  • Display available script parameters:
    bash -h
  • Update existing ONLYOFFICE Workspace Community components using RPM packages:
    bash -u true -it WORKSPACE
For Debian
  • Get the installation script:
  • Install ONLYOFFICE Workspace Community using DEB packages:
    bash -it WORKSPACE
  • Display available script parameters:
    bash -h
  • Update existing ONLYOFFICE Workspace Community components using DEB packages:
    bash -u true -it WORKSPACE

Host ONLYOFFICE Workspace on your own server

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