Changing domain used with ONLYOFFICE Mail


If you decide to change the domain used with ONLYOFFICE Mail, you will need to update the information about it for your system. Follow the steps below so that this process ran without any troubles.

Step 1: Stop ONLYOFFICE Mail container and remove it

First, you will need to stop the container with ONLYOFFICE Mail. Enter the computer with ONLYOFFICE Mail installed and run the command:

docker stop onlyoffice-mail-server

Then remove this container:

docker rm onlyoffice-mail-server

Step 2: Reinstall ONLYOFFICE Mail with new domain address

Now reinstall ONLYOFFICE Mail with the new domain address, which will be used for ONLYOFFICE Mail:

bash -ics false -ids false -icp false -ims true -md {NEW-MX-DOMAIN} -es true

Where {NEW-MX-DOMAIN} is the new address used for ONLYOFFICE Mail (usually it has an or alike address).

Step 3: Update information about domain

After that, you will need to update the information in the database about the domain used. Run the following commands:

docker exec -it onlyoffice-mysql-server mysql -pmy-secret-pw --silent -e "use onlyoffice; update mail_server_server SET mx_record  = '{NEW-MX-DOMAIN}';"
docker exec -it onlyoffice-mysql-server mysql -pmy-secret-pw --silent -e "use onlyoffice; update mail_server_server ms inner join mail_mailbox_server s on ms.smtp_settings_id = or ms.imap_settings_id = SET s.hostname = '{NEW-MX-DOMAIN}';"

Where {NEW-MX-DOMAIN} is again the new address used for ONLYOFFICE Mail.

Step 4: Start ONLYOFFICE Mail

Now you can start ONLYOFFICE Mail:

docker logs -f onlyoffice-mail-server

The output should look like this:

...Starting fail2ban:                                         [  OK  ]Starting server

Host ONLYOFFICE Workspace on your own server

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