Changing your portal language

Do you need to change the interface language at your portal but have no idea how to do that? Read this tip and you'll find out how to alter the language for all the portal users (in case you are an administrator) or for yourself only.

As mentioned above, within the ONLYOFFICE platform two language selection types are offered:

  • general one - if you want to set the language for the new portal users,
  • individual one - if you want to set the language only for a certain user account.

General Language Selection

This language selection type is available to portal administrators only. Please proceed through the following steps to change your portal language:

  1. Enter your portal using your login details.
  2. Click the Settings Icon icon in the right upper corner to open the 'Settings' section. You'll find yourself on the Customization page.
  3. Open the Language drop-down menu and select the language from the list of available ones.
  4. Click the Save button below.

The language you chose will be set for all the portal users.

Individual Language Selection

This language selection type is available to any portal user. Please follow these steps below to change the language for your account:

  1. Enter your portal using your login details.
  2. Click the link with your name at the very top and select the Profile option from the list.
  3. Change the language of your portal account by selecting the needed one from the Language drop-down menu.

The standard language that is selected by default on the profile page of every portal user corresponds to the language option chosen in the common portal settings by an administrator. After you proceed through the steps described above, the standard language will be changed within your account only.

Helpful Hints

Why can't I find the needed language in the 'Language' drop-down menu?

It means that there is no translation into this language yet, or it's in progress. If you'd like to contribute, please read this guide on how to become an ONLYOFFICE translator or write to us at You can find the list of all languages that are already available at your portal or being translated here.

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