
The Projects app for iOS allows you to manage projects stored in your ONLYOFFICE account on your mobile device. Using this app, you can view, create and edit projects, milestones, tasks, subtasks, manage your project team, assign responsible persons, access project documents, create discussions and leave comments.

First launch

The Projects app is available on the AppStore. After you've downloaded and installed the application on your mobile device, tap the ONLYOFFICE Projects icon to launch it.

Connecting to a portal

When you launch the Projects app for the first time, the Add new account panel opens. To sign in to your portal:

  1. Enter your existing portal address (https://portalname.onlyoffice.com) and tap the Next button.

    Start screen

  2. Enter your email address and password you use to access your account.
  3. Tap the Sign in button.

To sign out from your account:

  1. Tap the More button icon in the bottom right corner.
  2. Go to your current account tapping your name on the top of the menu, then tap Log out at the bottom of the screen and confirm this action.

Account management

If you have several ONLYOFFICE accounts (e.g., accounts created on two different portals) you can connect them to the Projects app to quickly and easily switch between all your existing accounts and access necessary projects. If you have already signed in to an ONLYOFFICE account, perform the following actions to connect another account:

  1. Tap the More button icon in the bottom right corner.
  2. Go to your current account tapping your name on the top of the menu, then tap Log out and confirm this action.
  3. On the start screen tap the Add new account link and connect another account as described in the Connecting to a portal section above.

Afterwards you will be able to choose the required account on the start screen.

To sign in to a certain account that you have previously connected, select the account at the start screen. You will be logged in without entering your login and password.

To disconnect a certain account, select the account at the start screen, long tap the account name and confirm the 'Remove account' action. You will be logged out from this account and it will be removed from the list (you will be able to connect it again later, if necessary).

Application sections

To quickly switch between the Projects app sections, tap the required section name at the bottom of the screen: Dashboard, Tasks, Projects and More.

Dashboard module

Your Dashboard module contains the overview of the following sections:

  1. All your tasks including the upcoming ones.
  2. All your projects including the ones you follow.
  3. A drop-down list of all active projects.
Tasks module

Your Tasks module contains the list of all your tasks and allows you to manage them by tapping the required task:

  1. See the task Overview:
    • change the task status below the task name: Stop, Closed or Open,
    • see the associated project,
    • learn the task due date,
    • see the task priority,
    • see the user the task is assigned to,
    • learn the task creation date,
    • see the user the task is created by.
  2. Look through the Subtasks:
    • see the user the subtasks are assigned to,
    • delete the subtask by tapping the Actions button icon and choosing the corresponding option.
  3. Look through the Documents, i.e., files and folders corresponding to the task. To manage documents, tap the Actions button icon.
  4. See the Comments for the task.

By default, the module is set to display the tasks assigned to you. To learn how to change the filtering options, please refer to the following guide.

Projects module

Your Projects module contains the list of all your projects and allows you to manage them by tapping the required project:

  1. Look through the Tasks (this tab is opened by default). Tap a task to see more information on it.
  2. See the project Overview:
    • change the project status below the project name: Paused, Closed or Open,
    • see the project manager,
    • see the associated team. Tap this menu item to see more information on the team members,
    • see the project creation date.
  3. Look through the list of the project Milestones with their due dates and responsible users.
  4. See the project Discussions:
    • see the discussion title,
    • learn the discussion creation date and its creator,
    • see the number of comments left in a discussion thread.
  5. Look through the Documents, i.e., files and folders corresponding to the project. To manage documents, tap the Actions button icon.
  6. Get more information on the project Team. Tap a user to see their profile.

By default, the module is set to display active projects assigned to you. To learn how to change the filtering options, please refer to the following guide.

Application settings

To access the application settings:

  1. Tap the More button icon in the bottom right corner.
  2. Tap the Settings button icon the top right corner.
Passcode protection

You can enable a passcode protection for your application. To do that:

  • tap the Passcode lock menu item,
  • tap the Enable passcode option,
  • specify your 4-digits passcode and confirm it.
Please note that if you forget your passcode, you will have to delete and re-install the application.

When the passcode is turned on, you will be able to change it or turn it off using the corresponding options in the Passcode lock section.

Color theme

To set the color theme for the application:

  • tap the Color theme menu item,
  • choose one of the available options:
    • Same as system to match your device theme (set by default),
    • Light theme to have the app in white and blue,
    • Dark theme to have the app in black, dark grey and blue.
Other settings

The Settings section also contains the following menu items:

  • Clear cache to see the app cache space and clear it.
  • Help to open the ONLYOFFICE Helpcenter and read articles about the functions of the app.
  • Support to contact our support team.
  • Rate the App to review the app on its AppStore page.
  • Privacy Policy to read the ONLYOFFICE privacy policy.
  • Terms of Service to read the ONLYOFFICE terms of service.
  • Analytics to enable/disable sharing app usage statistics with the ONLYOFFICE developer team.
  • Version to see the current version of the Projects app.

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