Mobile presentation viewer

Using Mobile web editors for iOS you can open presentations in the view mode. In such a case you will be able to view presentations, search for text, download and print the presentation, view presentation information.

Preview your presentation

To start the presentation preview, tap the Play button button. The slides will be shown one by one.

If you want to quit presentation preview, swipe down and select Close.

Search for certain text

  1. tap the Find icon Find icon at the top toolbar to activate the Find panel,

    Search panel

  2. enter your inquiry into the data entry field,
  3. specify search parameters by tapping the Search options icon Search Options icon on the left and selecting the necessary options:
    • Match case - is used to find only the occurrences typed in the same case as your inquiry (e.g., if your inquiry is 'Editor' and this option is selected, such words as 'editor' or 'EDITOR', etc., will not be found).
  4. use arrow buttons to navigate through the found occurrences towards the beginning of the presentation (if you tap the Left arrow button icon) or towards the end of the presentation (if you tap the Right arrow button icon) from the current position.

Download the presentation

To download the current presentation to your device selecting one of the available formats,

  1. tap the Tools iconTools icon in the right corner of the top toolbar,
  2. tap the DownloadDownload menu item,
  3. tap one of the available file formats: PPTX, PDF, PDF/A, ODP, POTX, OTP.

The file will be downloaded and stored on your device.

Print out the presentation

  1. tap the Tools icon Tools icon in the right corner of the top toolbar,
  2. select the Print Print menu item.

A PDF file will be generated on the basis of this presentation. It can be printed out.

View presentation information

To access the detailed information about the currently edited presentation,

  1. tap the Tools icon Tools icon in the right corner of the top toolbar,
  2. select the Presentation Info Presentation Info menu item.

The presentation information includes the presentation title, owner name the date when the file was uploaded, the date and time when the file was last modified, the user who last modified the file and the application the presentation was created with.

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