Add hyperlinks

  1. Select the cell where you want the link to be added.
  2. Do the following:
    • tap the Insert object icon at the top toolbar, to open the new object insertion panel.
    • switch to the Insert additional item tab.
    • Select the Link Insert link option.
  3. After that a new screen will appear where you can specify the hyperlink parameters:
    • Link Type - select a link type you wish to insert:
      • External Link - this option is selected by default. Use it to add a hyperlink leading to an external website. Enter a URL in the format in the Link field below.

        External Hyperlink

      • Internal Data Range - use this option to add a hyperlink leading to a certain cell range in the same spreadsheet. Tap this option to select it, then return to the previous screen using the Back arrow Back arrow, select the necessary Sheet name from the list and specify a cell Range in the format A1:B1.

        Internal Hyperlink

    • Display - enter a text that will get clickable and lead to the address specified in the upper field.
    • Screen Tip - enter a text that will become visible in a small pop-up window that provides a brief note or label pertaining to the hyperlink being pointed to.
  4. Tap Add Link.

To follow the added link, touch the cell that contains the link and hold until the pop-up menu with the Open Link option appears, then tap it.

  1. Select the cell that contains a link and tap the Edit Edit option in the top toolbar.
  2. Tap the Clear formatting Clear menu item.
  3. Choose the Hyperlinks option.
  1. Select the cell that contains a link and tap the Hyperlink option in the pop-up menu.
  2. In the Link Settings screen that opens, perform the actions you need:
    • edit your data and tap the Edit Link option to save the changes.
    • use the Delete Link option to delete the added hyperlink.

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