Selecting a background color for a paragraph

A background color is applied to the whole paragraph and completely fills all the paragraph space from the left page margin to the right page margin.

To apply a background color to a certain paragraph or change the current one in the Document Editor,

  1. Select a color scheme for your document from the available ones, clicking the Change color scheme change color scheme icon icon at the Layout tab on the top toolbar.
  2. Place the cursor within the required paragraph, or select several paragraphs with the mouse or the whole text using the Ctrl+A key combination.
  3. Open the color palettes window. You can access it in one of the following ways:
    • click the downward arrow next to the background color icon icon on the Home tab of the top toolbar, or
    • click the color field next to the Background Color caption on the right sidebar, or
    • click the 'Show advanced settings' link on the right sidebar or select the 'Paragraph Advanced Settings' option on the right-click menu, then switch to the 'Borders & Fill' tab within the 'Paragraph - Advanced Settings' window and click the color field next to the Background Color caption.
  4. Select any color among the available palettes.

After you select the required color by using the background color icon icon, you'll be able to apply this color to any selected paragraph just by clicking the background selected icon icon (it displays the selected color), without having to choose this color in the palette again. If you use the Background Color option on the right sidebar or within the 'Paragraph - Advanced Settings' window, remember that the selected color is not retained for quick access. (These options can be useful if you wish to select a different background color for a specific paragraph and if you are also using some general color selected by clicking the background color icon icon).

To remove the background color from a certain paragraph,

  1. Place the cursor within the required paragraph, or select several paragraphs with the mouse or the whole text using the Ctrl+A key combination.
  2. Open the color palettes window by clicking the color field next to the Background Color caption on the right sidebar.
  3. Select the no fill icon icon.

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