Switching your office to HTTPS for the Windows version


When you install ONLYOFFICE Workspace Enterprise Edition under Windows, the HTTPS section will be absent from the Control Panel. This does not mean that you will not be able to switch your portal to HTTPS protocol.

Starting with version 9.1 letsencrypt.org service and script are used to easily create a CA-signed certificate and switch the portal to HTTPS with a single command.

The article below will explain how this can be done. To install your own certificate, please refer to this article.

Creating and installing CA-signed certificate

You need PowerShell version 5.1 or later installed on your computer.

Run Windows PowerShell as administrator. By default, PowerShell is installed at the following path:


In the PowerShell console, go to the \Tools\ directory. To do that, use the following command:

cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\Ascensio System SIA\CommunityServer\Tools"

Run the following script:

./letsencrypt.ps1 yourdomain.com subdomain1.yourdomain.com subdomain2.yourdomain.com

Where yourdomain.com is the address of the domain where your ONLYOFFICE Workspace Enterprise Edition portal is installed, and subdomain1.yourdomain.com and subdomain2.yourdomain.com (and any other subdomains separated with a space) are the subdomains for the main domain which you use.

Check A records for your domain and subdomains (e.g., using the ping command), otherwise the certificate will not be issued.

The script will create and install the CA-signed certificate to your server.

Now, your portal should be available using the https:// address.

A task of automatic certificate prolongation will be added to the task scheduler. You will not need to re-run the script when the certificate expires.

Host ONLYOFFICE Workspace on your own server

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