Viewing spreadsheet information

To access the detailed information about the currently edited spreadsheet in the Spreadsheet Editor, click the File tab of the top toolbar and select the Info option.

  • Owner - the person who has created the file.
  • Uploaded - the date when the file has been uploaded to the server.
  • Last Modified - the date when the file has last been edited.

This subsection displays the number of pages, paragraphs, words, symbols, and symbols with spaces within the file.

  • Author - you can enter the necessary name in this field. Press Enter to add a new field that allows you to specify one more author. To delete additional authors, click the cross button next to the corresponding fields.
  • Title - enter the title of the spreadsheet. Please do not confuse it with the file name as these are different file properties.
  • Tags - enter necessary tags for better file classification.
  • Subject - enter the spreadsheet subject.
  • Comment - enter the comment to the file. Please do not confuse it with the Comments as these are different features.
  • Click the Add property button to add custom fields, entering the Title of the field, its Type, i.e., its format, and its Value. Click OK when ready. To delete additional fields, click the cross button next to them.

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