Keyboard shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts for key tips

Use keyboard shortcuts for a faster and easier access to the features of the PDF Editor without using a mouse.

  1. Press Alt (Option for macOS) key to turn on all key tips for the editor header, the top toolbar, the left sidebar and the status bar.
  2. Press the letter that corresponds to the item you wish to use. The additional key tips may appear depending on the key you press. The first key tips hide when additional key tips appear.

    For example, to access the Comment tab, press Alt (Option for macOS) to see all primary key tips.

    Primary Key Tips

    Press letter C to access the Comment tab, and to see all the available shortcuts for this tab.

    Secondary Key Tips

    Then press the letter that corresponds to the item you wish to configure.

  3. Press Alt (Option for macOS) to hide all key tips, or press Escape to go back to the previous group of key tips.

Find the most common keyboard shortcuts in the list below:

  • Windows/Linux
  • Mac OS
Working with PDF
Open 'File' panelAlt+F^ Ctrl+⌥ Option+FOpen the File panel to save, download, print the current PDF, view its info, create a new document or open an existing PDF, access the PDF Editor Help Center or advanced settings.
Open 'Find' dialog windowCtrl+F^ Ctrl+F,
⌘ Cmd+F
Open the Find dialog window to start searching for a character/word/phrase in the currently edited PDF.
Open 'Comments' panelCtrl+⇧ Shift+H^ Ctrl+⇧ Shift+H,
⌘ Cmd+⇧ Shift+H
Open the Comments panel to add your own comment or reply to other users' comments.
Open comment fieldAlt+H⌘ Cmd+⌥ Option+AOpen a data entry field where you can add the text of your comment.
Open 'Chat' panel (Online Editors)Alt+Q^ Ctrl+⌥ Option+QOpen the Chat panel in the Online Editors and send a message.
Print PDFCtrl+P^ Ctrl+P,
⌘ Cmd+P
Print the PDF with one of the available printers, or save it as a file.
Download As...Ctrl+⇧ Shift+S^ Ctrl+⇧ Shift+S,
⌘ Cmd+⇧ Shift+S
Open the Download as... panel to save the currently edited PDF to the hard disk drive of your computer in one of the supported formats: DOCX, PDF, ODT, DOTX, OTT, RTF, TXT, FB2, EPUB, HTML, JPG, PNG.
Full screen (Online Editors)F11Switch to the full screen view in the Online Editors to fit the PDF Editor into your screen.
Help menuF1Fn+F1Open the PDF Editor Help menu.
Open existing fileCtrl+O⌘ Cmd+OOpen the standard dialog box that allows selecting an existing file. If you select the file in this dialog box and click Open, the file will be opened in a new tab or window of Desktop Editors.
Switch to the next tabCtrl+↹ Tab^ Ctrl+↹ TabSwitch to the next file tab in Desktop Editors or browser tab in Online Editors.
Switch to the previous tabCtrl+⇧ Shift+↹ Tab^ Ctrl+⇧ Shift+↹ TabSwitch to the previous file tab in Desktop Editors or browser tab in Online Editors.
Close fileCtrl+F4⌘ Cmd+WClose the current PDF window.
Close menu or modal window, reset modes, etc.EscEscClose a menu or modal window. Reset pop-ups and balloons with comments and review changes. Reset drawing and erasing table mode. Reset text drag-n-drop. Reset marker selection mode. Reset format painter mode. Deselect shapes. Reset adding shapes mode. Exit from the header/footer. Exit from filling in forms.
Reset the ‘Zoom’ parameterCtrl+0^ Ctrl+0 or ⌘ Cmd+0Reset the ‘Zoom’ parameter of the current PDF to a default 100%.
Jump to the beginning of the line in the comment fieldHome⌘ Cmd+Put the cursor to the beginning of the currently edited line.
Jump to the beginning of the PDFCtrl+Home^ Ctrl+Fn+,
⌘ Cmd+Fn+
Jump to the very beginning of the currently edited PDF.
Jump to the end of the line in the comment fieldEnd⌘ Cmd+Put the cursor to the end of the currently edited line.
Jump to the end of the PDFCtrl+End^ Ctrl+Fn+,
⌘ Cmd+Fn+
Jump to the very end of the currently edited PDF.
Scroll downPage DownFn+Scroll the PDF approximately one visible page down.
Scroll upPage UpFn+Scroll the PDF approximately one visible page up.
Next pageAlt+Page DownGo to the next page in the currently edited PDF.
Previous pageAlt+Page UpGo to the previous page in the currently edited PDF.
Zoom InCtrl+Num+ or Ctrl++ (on the main keyboard)^ Ctrl++,
⌘ Cmd++
Zoom in the currently edited PDF.
Zoom OutCtrl+- (on the main keyboard)^ Ctrl+-,
⌘ Cmd+-
Zoom out the currently edited PDF.
Text Selection
Select allCtrl+A⌘ Cmd+A,
^ Ctrl+A
Select all text in the PDF.

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