Installing ONLYOFFICE Docs Enterprise Edition within UCS

ONLYOFFICE Docs Enterprise Edition can be run within the Univention environment, thus enabling the possibility of connecting the online editors to Nextcloud, ownCloud, Seafile, etc. If you are already familiar with the Univention, please proceed reading this article; if not, please refer to the official Univention website.

  1. Log in to your Univention portal.
  2. On the Administration panel, open the System and domain settings -> App center:
    UCS App CenterUCS App Center
  3. Find ONLYOFFICE Docs Enterprise Edition using the Search field to the left:
    Download ONLYOFFICE Docs from the UCS App Center CatalogDownload ONLYOFFICE Docs from the UCS App Center Catalog
  4. Click the Install button, then read and accept the license terms.
  5. The installation process will be initiated.

Alternatively, you can use the hypervisors for virtual machines to install applications as images.

  1. Install the hypervisor for the virtual machine. Install VirtualBox and follow the documentation for detailed installation guide.
  2. Download the ONLYOFFICE Docs.
  3. Choose the image of the required application from the UCS App Center Catalog.

Host ONLYOFFICE Docs on your own server or use it in the cloud

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