DocSpace services


Service is the ONLYOFFICE DocSpace component that is used to perform long-running background operations without user interaction. The service can be started and stopped from any application component or other services.

Below you can find a list of the ONLYOFFICE DocSpace services.


Launches the additional services related to the backup creation:

  • BackupWorkerService - launches WorkerService that runs backups/restore etc.;
  • BackupListenerService - waits for a notification to delete backups according to the schedule;
  • BackupCleanerTempFileService - deletes the temporary files remaining after backup;
  • BackupCleanerService - deletes outdated backups;
  • BackupSchedulerService - runs backups according to the schedule.
Handles the API requests related to the backups. The port number is 5012.
Clears the login_events and audit_events tables by LoginHistoryLifeTime and AuditTrailLifeTime to log out users after the timeout.
  • Handles the API requests related to the documents. The port number is 5007.
  • Launches OFormService.

Launches the additional services related to the file management:

  • ElasticSearchIndexService - indexes documents using Elasticsearch;
  • FeedAggregatorService - aggregates notifications;
  • FeedCleanerService - removes notifications;
  • FileConverterService - converts documents;
  • ThumbnailBuilderService - generates thumbnails for documents;
  • Launcher - removes the outdated files from the recycle bin.

Launches the additional services related to the notifications about DocSpace events:

  • NotifySenderService - sends messages from the database;
  • NotifyCleanerService - removes messages.
Handles the API requests related to the People module.
Provides the two-way communication between a client and a server. It allows pages to receive data without restarting (for example, thumbnails or new documents). The port number is 9899.
Allows you to enable and configure the SAML-based single sign-on (SSO) authentication providing a faster, easier, and more secure way for users to access DocSpace. The port number is 9834.
Generates notifications and sends them to other services (for example, NotifyService).
Handles the API requests not related to the services above. For example, it handles requests related to settings, audit, authentication, etc. The port number is 5000.
Displays the list of launched services. The port number is 5027.
Processes the storage handlers and the authorization pages. The port number is 5003.

Host ONLYOFFICE DocSpace on your own server or use it in the cloud

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