Data import

Importing Data

The Data import section is used to import data (all users, their personal and shared documents) from third-party services, such as ONLYOFFICE Workpace, Google Workspace, Nextcloud.

To start migration:

  • Create a backup copy in a desired service.
    • ONLYOFFICE Workspace - read instructions for the Cloud version. Currently, backup can be created in the Workspace Cloud version only. The created backup can be uploaded to the DocSpace Cloud or Server version.
    • Google - read the Export the Google Workspace data and Prepare the data for import instructions in this article.
    • Nextcloud - read the Export data from Nextcloud and Prepare the data for import instructions in this article.
  • In the DocSpace Data import section, click the Import link next to the necessary service.
  • Upload the backup file. Once the data upload and analysis are complete, the next step will be initiated automatically.
  • Select users from the list and click the Next step button.

    For Nextcloud, two steps are performed: only users with e-mails will be migrated first, then you can select not filled e-mail users and fill in their e-mail addresses.

  • Select modules for import. Click the Start data import button to proceed with the final step.
  • After the data is migrated, click the Finish button to complete the data import.

    Also, you can send a welcome letter to the new users. This letter will inform your users about migration to ONLYOFFICE DocSpace. It contains a brief description of the main features and a login link. To send the letter, check the Send invite letter option before clicking the Finish button.

After the migration is complete, the new users can be found in the Accounts section. Personal files, shared files can be accessed through the Documents section. Shared folders, common files, project files can be accessed through the Rooms sections.

Storage ManagementStorage Management

Host ONLYOFFICE DocSpace on your own server or use it in the cloud

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