Backup and Restore

Creating backup

The Backup section of the settings allows you to backup your DocSpace data.

Creating BackupCreating Backup

Data backup

To create your DocSpace data backup manually, use the Data backup section:

  1. select the desired Storage for your backup files:
    • select the Temporary storage radio button if you wish to download the backup to your local drive when the backup process is over. You'll be able to do that by using the link that appears below.
    • select the Backup room radio button if you want to store the backup in one of the existing rooms. Click the Choose Icon button next to the field that appears below. Set a room where you wish to store your backup and click the Save here button.
    • select the Third-party resource radio button to save backup to your third-party account (Dropbox,, OneDrive). You need to connect your third-party account (Dropbox,, OneDrive) before you will be able to save your backup there.

      You can also use Nextcloud, ownCloud, kDrive, or another WebDav service. Select the necessary service from the list, then click Connect. In the Connecting account window, specify the connection URL, your login and password, and click Save.

    • select the Third-party storage radio button and choose one of the available services from the list: Amazon AWS S3 (Amazon Simple Storage Service), Google Cloud Storage or Rackspace Cloud Storage. Enter the necessary data to access the selected third-party storage in the fields below.
      The corresponding service must be previously connected in the Integration section. Otherwise, the following settings will be disabled.
      • For the Amazon AWS S3 service, the following fields are available:
        • Bucket - a unique Amazon bucket name, e.g. my-new-test-bucket-12345.
        • Region - an AWS region where your Amazon bucket resides, e.g. us-east-2.
        • Service Url - this is an optional property; change it only if you want to try a different service endpoint. Leave this field empty to use the default value.
        • Force Path Style - when true, requests will always use path style addressing. Leave this field empty, as the Service Url property is not specified.
        • Use Http - if this property is set to true, the client attempts to use the HTTP protocol, if the target endpoint supports it. By default, this property is set to false. Set it to true or leave this field empty to use the default value.
        • Server Side Encryption Method - the server-side encryption algorithm used when this object is stored in S3. The possible values are none, aes256, awskms. Leave this field empty to use the default aes256 value.
      • For the Google Cloud Storage service, the following field is available: Bucket.
      • For the Rackspace Cloud Storage service, the following fields are available: Public container, Private container and Region.
  2. click the Create copy button.

Once the backup process is completed you'll find the backup .tar.gz file (DocSpace-name_date_time.tar.gz) in the specified folder. If you've selected the Temporary storage, the link to download the created backup will be available for 24 hours.

Automatic backup

To automate the backup process, use the Automatic backup section. In the SaaS version, this is a Paid feature (available for the paid Business plan only).

  1. turn on the Enable automatic backup switcher.
  2. select the desired Storage for your backup files (the available options are the same as those described above, except for the Temporary storage which is only available in the Data backup section).
  3. specify the time interval at which backups should be created: Every day with an indication of the necessary time of the day, Every week with an indication of the necessary day of the week and time of the day, or Every month with an indication of the necessary day of the month and time of the day.
  4. set The maximal number of backup copies to be stored by selecting the necessary value from the corresponding drop-down list.
  5. click the Save button.

Backups will be created automatically with the specified periodicity.

Data restore

In the SaaS version, this is a Paid feature (available for the paid Business plan only). To restore your DocSpace data from the previously created backup file,

  1. Select the Source where the backup is stored.
    • select the Local file option, click the Choose button below, and browse for the necessary backup file stored on your local drive.
    • select the Backup room option and click the Choose Icon button below. In the Select file window, choose the necessary backup file and click Save.
    • select the Third-party resource option (Dropbox,, OneDrive or services connected via the WebDAV protocol) and click the Choose button below. In the Select file window, choose the necessary backup file stored in the third-party resource directory and click OK.
    • select the Third-party storage option, choose the necessary third-party storage previously connected in the Integration section and enter the data required to to access the chosen storage.
      Instead of selecting a backup file from a certain Source, you can just click the Backup List link below the Choose field to select the necessary backup file from the backup history (if a backup file was deleted manually from the storage, it will not be available in the list). Click the Restore link next to the necessary backup file. To delete a backup file from the list, click the Delete Icon icon.
  2. Leave the Send notification about space restoring to users box checked to notify your DocSpace users.
    After restoring the backup, current passwords will be reset and users will need to restore their access via the email addresses specified in their profiles by specifying the password which will be used for signing in.
  3. Check the I confirm and want to proceed box.
  4. Click the Restore button.

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How to backup and restore your DocSpace

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