Ports which must be opened for ONLYOFFICE Docs Enterprise Edition

Hover the mouse cursor over the table row containing the port number to see its description.

PortService/ ProtocolInternal in/outExternal inExternal out
Please note that you only need to open the above ports if you have the necessary service installed and use it, as they are required for the correct work of the services listed in the table. If you disabled certain services and do not plan to use them, consider closing the corresponding ports. If you changed the default port to another one, make sure you close the default port and open the one you set.

* if HTTPS is used instead of HTTP.

** if the service is installed on another network computer, an external port must be opened for outbound connections for the Enterprise Edition computer, and inbound connections for this port on the remote computer must be allowed.

*** for ONLYOFFICE Docs versions earlier than 6.3

Host ONLYOFFICE Docs on your own server or use it in the cloud

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