Troubleshooting. Documents module

General issues

Q:What is Open Office XML?

A:It's a well-known file format of Microsoft Office 2007 and higher. It was developed by Microsoft for saving and exchanging editable office documents and includes the following file extensions: DOCX, XLSX, PPTX.

Q:What advantages does the usage of the Open Office XML format in the online office have?

A:Thanks to this new uniform file format you can:

  • create new text documents in DOCX, spreadsheets in XLSX, presentations in PPTX directly in your online office,
  • use files of this commonly used format from your Box, Dropbox, Google, or SkyDrive account in the online office and vice versa without conversion,
  • embed documents from the online office into your website or blog letting the visitors download them in the format that is supported by almost any document editor,
  • download files from the portal and look them through on your computer without bothering about the application you can use to open these documents,
  • attach documents to your emails and send them to various recipients who will be able to read them using any document viewer.

Issues with previously created/uploaded documents

Q:What happened to my files previously created in my online office?

A:All files in the internal format with the .doct, .xlst, .pptt extensions that were previously created in your online office were automatically converted to the new uniform format and got the following file extensions: DOCX, XLSX, PPTX.

Q:What happened to my files previously uploaded to my online office?

A:All files previously uploaded to the online office were converted to the internal format with the .doct, .xlst, .pptt extensions. As a result, two versions of one and the same document appeared in the online office: a file in the original format and another one in the internal format (.doct, .xlst, .pptt). On 27th June 2013 all documents in the internal format were automatically converted to the new uniform format (DOCX, XLSX, PPTX). Now you have two same-titled files in the online office: a document in the original format and another one in DOCX/ XLSX/ PPTX.

The scenario described above was true only if the 'Upload the documents in original format as well' box was checked while uploading the files. If this box was unchecked, only the document converted to the internal format (.doct, .xlst, .pptt) appeared in your online office. Such documents were automatically converted to the new uniform format on 27th June 2013.

Q:You wrote that my documents were converted to the new uniform format automatically. Why do some of them still have the .doct, .xlst, .pptt extensions?

A:These are the files you previously created in your online office, downloded to your PC and then uploaded back to the online office. Such files keep the internal format (.doct, .xlst, .pptt) until you open them with Document Editor and save clicking the Save icon icon at the top toolbar. After that the documents will be automatically converted to the Open Office XML format (DOCX, XLSX, PPTX).

Q:I have some files in my online office with the Original tag tag. What does it mean?

A:This tag is added to the files that initially had the Open Office XML format (DOCX, XLSX, PPTX). It appears in the following situation:

You previously uploaded a file in Open Office XML format (DOCX, XLSX, PPTX). During the uploading process two versions of this document were created: a file in the original format (DOCX, XLSX, PPTX) and another one in the internal format (.doct, .xlst, .pptt) for editing. On 27th June 2013 all documents in the internal format were automatically converted to the new uniform format (DOCX, XLSX, PPTX). As a result, you have two same-titled DOCX/ XLSX/ PPTX files in your online office: the converted one and the original one with the Original tag tag.

Q:My DOCT, XLST, PPTT documents were automatically converted to DOCX, XLSX, PPTX. What happened to the previous versions of these files? Can I preview and restore them?

A:Yes, you can access and manage previous versions of converted DOCX, XLSX, PPTX documents in the online office.

Issues with previously shared documents

Q:Are the embedded or shared via link documents affected?

A:In spite of the format change, the documents embedded into your website, blog or application as well as the files shared for everyone with the link are still available for your website/blog visitors, application users and people outside the portal who have the link.

Issues with new documents

Q:Can I upload any documents to the online office as before?

A:Yes, you can upload files in any format as before. The only difference is uploading files in the Open Office XML format (DOCX, XLSX, PPTX) they will appear in your online office without conversion. If you upload documents in any other format, the conversion process will take place and two versions of one and the same document will appear in your online office: a file in the original format and another one in DOCX/ XLSX/ PPTX.

Q:Do DOCX, XLSX, PPTX documents take advantage of versioning capabilities?

A:Yes, you can now access and manage the previous versions of newly created DOCX, XLSX, PPTX documents in the online office.

Issues with connected services

Q:I get the following error: 'Can’t authorize at Yandex provider with given credentials'. What can be done?

A:This error can occur due to the reason that the service tries to protect its services. It can be resolved by creating the application password. Please perform the following steps:

  1. Go to the page;
  2. Click the Setup application password button;
  3. Choose the Cloud service application type;
  4. Select or specify your operating system;
  5. Specify the application name and click Add;
  6. Use the suggested password;
  7. Click the Done button.

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