
  1. "Common.Translation.tipFileLocked"
    : "Document is locked for editing. You can make changes and save it as local copy later."
  2. "Common.UI.SynchronizeTip.textSynchronize"
    : "The document has been changed by another user.
    Please click to save your changes and reload the updates."
  3. "DE.Controllers.Main.errorDefaultMessage"
    : "Error code: %1"

    To learn more, please refer to the following entry.

  4. "DE.Controllers.Main.errorEditingDownloadas"
    : "An error occurred during the work with the document.
    Use the 'Download as' option to save the file backup copy to a drive."
  5. "DE.Controllers.Main.errorEditingSaveas"
    : "An error occurred during the work with the document.
    Use the 'Save as...' option to save the file backup copy to a drive."
  6. "DE.Controllers.Main.errorServerVersion"
    : "The editor version has been updated. The page will be reloaded to apply the changes."
  7. "DE.Controllers.Main.errorTokenExpire"
    : "The document security token has expired.
    Please contact your Document Server administrator."
  8. "DE.Controllers.Main.errorUpdateVersion"
    : "The file version has been changed. The page will be reloaded."
  9. "DE.Controllers.Main.errorUserDrop"
    : "The file cannot be accessed right now."
  10. "DE.Controllers.Main.saveErrorText"
    : "An error has occurred while saving the file."
  11. "DE.Controllers.Main.unknownErrorText"
    : "Unknown error."

    In case you encounter this error, please check logs or contact ONLYOFFICE support.

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