Making forums more interactive


Would you like to make your forum more interactive? Just add a poll. This step-by-step guide will show you how to quickly and easily add a poll to your new forum topic.

Step 1. Access the Community

Enter your portal and click the Community link.

How to make your forum more interactive? Step 1How to make your forum more interactive? Step 1

In case you have already logged in to the portal and been using it for some time, to access the Community module, open the drop-down list in the top left corner of the page and select the corresponding option.

Step 2. Start a poll

Click the Create button in the upper left corner and select the Poll option from the Forums section of the drop-down list.

The Create new poll page will open. Select a forum you wish to add a poll to. Enter your poll question, at least two possible choices, and choose one of the available poll types:

  • Allow only one choice for this poll question - tick this option to give the participants the possibility to select only one answer.
  • Allow multiple choices for this poll question - tick this option to give the participants the possibility to select several responses to a single question.

Using the Add poll choice link, you can add up to 15 choices. To delete one of the choices, use the Delete Choice Icon icon to the right of the entry field.

How to make your forum more interactive? Step 2How to make your forum more interactive? Step 2

Step 3. Make your post

To describe the issue you wish to discuss with other portal users or just add some comments to the created poll, type in your post in the Message field and format it using the Formatting Toolbar commands.

How to make your forum more interactive? Step 3How to make your forum more interactive? Step 3

Add some tags in the Tags field, separating them with commas. This will help categorize your topic and facilitate the search for the other users.

Step 4. Add the created poll

When everything is ready, preview the result using the corresponding button at the bottom of the page. If you are satisfied with it, close the preview area and click the Publish button.

How to make your forum more interactive? Step 4How to make your forum more interactive? Step 4

The created poll will be added to the selected forum. To access it, switch to the Forums section by clicking the corresponding link at the left-side panel and selecting the necessary forum from the list.

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