Setting time zone for your calendar

It's very convenient to receive notifications about coming events in time. Select a time zone in the calendar settings and keep up with all the events. The instructions are listed below.

Bare Bones Instructions

To set the needed time zone for your calendar, please follow the easy steps below:

  1. Enter your portal using your login details.
  2. Click the Calendar icon icon in the right upper corner.
  3. You will see all your calendars on the left side. Hover your mouse cursor over the needed one and click the appeared Edit Calendar icon - pencil icon to open the 'Edit Calendar' window.
  4. Open the Time Zone drop-down list and select the option you need.
  5. Press the Save button to apply the changes you made.

Helpful Hints

Can I set the needed time zone for all the calendars in Calendar?

You can select the time zone for the calendars situated in the 'My Calendars' section as well as for events and calendars shared with you. The remaining calendars in the 'Other Calendars' section use the time zone set in the portal settings.

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