Installing ONLYOFFICE Workspace Community with additional script parameters


ONLYOFFICE Workspace is a free version of collaborative system developed to manage documents, projects, customer relationship and email correspondence, all in one place.

ONLYOFFICE Workspace is shipped as an automatic installation script for Linux operating systems with Docker installed. The script will set up Docker containers with all the components necessary for ONLYOFFICE Workspace correct work and is easy to run, manage and update.

After you download the ONLYOFFICE Workspace installation script, you might need to run it specifying some additional parameters, for example, if you want to install each component on a separate machine. Use the following command to display the list of all the available script parameters:

bash -h

You can find a short description and some usage examples for these parameters below.

Image name

-ci, --communityimageONLYOFFICE Community Server image name
-di, --documentimageONLYOFFICE Docs image name
-mi, --mailimageONLYOFFICE Mail image name
-cpi, --controlpanelimageONLYOFFICE Control Panel image name

These parameters can be used to specify a name of the image that a container should be started from. The specified image should be stored in our official public repository on Docker Hub.

bash -ims false -di onlyoffice/documentserver -ics true -icp true

This will run a container from the specified ONLYOFFICE Docs image stored in the repository as well as run the ONLYOFFICE Community Server and ONLYOFFICE Control Panel containers.

Component version

-cv, --communityversionONLYOFFICE Community Server version
-dv, --documentversionONLYOFFICE Docs version
-mv, --mailversionONLYOFFICE Mail version
-cpv, --controlpanelversionONLYOFFICE Control Panel version

These parameters can be used to install a certain component version if for some reasons you do not want to install the latest version available in the repository. By default, an image tagged as latest is used to run each component container.


Open the Docker Hub repository in your browser, select the necessary component and go to the Tags tab to view all the tags available in the repository. Specify the version you want to install for the necessary components:

bash -ics true -cv -ids false -icp true -cpv -ims true -md ""

This will install the ONLYOFFICE Community Server version, the ONLYOFFICE Control Panel version and the latest version of ONLYOFFICE Mail as its version has not been specified explicitly.

Server IP

-dip, --documentserveripONLYOFFICE Docs IP address
-mip, --mailserveripONLYOFFICE Mail IP address
-mdbip, --mailserverdbipONLYOFFICE Mail database IP address

These parameters can be used to connect the components if you install them on separate machines.

bash -ics true -icp true -ids false -ims false -dip -es false

This will install ONLYOFFICE Community Server with ONLYOFFICE Control Panel and connect it with ONLYOFFICE Docs installed on a different machine which has the IP address.

ONLYOFFICE Mail domain name

-md, --maildomainONLYOFFICE Mail domain name

This parameter allows to specify your own domain name that will be used for ONLYOFFICE Mail.

bash -md ""

This will install all the ONLYOFFICE Workspace components including ONLYOFFICE Mail with the domain name specified.

Your domain that will be used for maintaining correspondence must be valid and configured for this machine (i.e. it should have the appropriate A record in the DNS settings that points your domain name to the IP address of the machine where ONLYOFFICE Mail is installed).
In the command above, the "" parameter must be understood as a service domain for ONLYOFFICE Mail. It is usually specified in the MX record of the domain that will be used for maintaining correspondence. As a rule, the "" looks like

Component update

-u, --updateuse to update existing componentstrue|falsefalse

This parameter allows to install the latest versions of the necessary components if the corresponding components installed on your machine are outdated.

bash -u true

This will consequently stop those containers that need to be updated, remove them and then run the latest versions of the corresponding ONLYOFFICE Workspace components. If the current component version coincides with the latest available one, such a container will not be affected. If you have skipped some components during the previous installation, they will also be skipped. The portal data should be picked up automatically.


-un, --usernamedockerhub username
-p, --passworddockerhub password

These parameters are used in case we provide you credentials to access a test repository so that you can run containers from images stored in it.

bash -md "" -un username -p password

Component installation

-ics, --installcommunityserverinstall ONLYOFFICE Community Servertrue|false|pulltrue
-ids, --installdocumentserverinstall ONLYOFFICE Docstrue|false|pulltrue
-ims, --installmailserverinstall ONLYOFFICE Mailtrue|false|pulltrue
-icp, --installcontrolpanelinstall ONLYOFFICE Control Paneltrue|false|pulltrue

These parameters allow to specify whether you need to install a certain component or not. They can be used if you want to install each component on a separate machine.

  • Use the true value to install a component.
  • Use the false value to skip a component installation.
  • Use the pull value to download a component without installing it.
bash -ims false 

This will install all the ONLYOFFICE Workspace components without ONLYOFFICE Mail.

bash -ics false -ids true -icp false -ims false -es true 

This will skip the installation of ONLYOFFICE Mail, ONLYOFFICE Community Server and ONLYOFFICE Control Panel and will install ONLYOFFICE Docs only.

Installation type


This parameter allows to install the specified solution: ONLYOFFICE Workspace or ONLYOFFICE Workspace Enterprise Edition.

bash -it GROUPS 

This will install the ONLYOFFICE Workspace solution which includes the ONLYOFFICE Community Server and ONLYOFFICE Control Panel components.

Using a component as an external server

-es, --useasexternalserveruse as external servertrue|falsefalse

This parameter is used in case you install components on separate machines.

  • Use the true value when installing ONLYOFFICE Docs and ONLYOFFICE Mail on separate machines.
  • Use the false value when installing ONLYOFFICE Community Server together with ONLYOFFICE Control Panel on a separate machine.
bash -ics false -ids false -icp false -ims true -md "" -es true

This will skip the installation of ONLYOFFICE Docs, ONLYOFFICE Community Server and ONLYOFFICE Control Panel and will install ONLYOFFICE Mail only.

bash -ics true -icp true -ids false -ims false -dip -es false

This will install ONLYOFFICE Community Server with ONLYOFFICE Control Panel and connect it with ONLYOFFICE Docs installed on a different machine.

Swap file creation

-ms, --makeswapmake swap filetrue|falsefalse

This parameter allows to create a 6 Gb swap file. By default, the true value is specified, therefore you do not need to specify this parameter when running the script. The swap file will be created automatically.

bash -ms false

If you have previously created a swap file, you can use this command so that not to create a swap file during the installation.

In case you run the script again without specifying the -ms parameter, it checks if the onlyoffice_swapfile is present. If the swap file already exists, the script will not create a swap file once again.

MySQL server

-mysqlh, --mysqlhostMySQL server hostlocalhost
-mysqlprt, --mysqlportMySQL server port3306
-mysqlru, --mysqlrootuserMySQL server root userroot
-mysqlrp, --mysqlrootpasswordMySQL server root passwordmy-secret-pw

If you do not explicitly specify these parameters, the default values are used.

bash -mysqlru root -mysqlrp new-secret-pw

This command allows to set your own password for the MySQL root account during the ONLYOFFICE Workspace installation.

ONLYOFFICE Community Server database

-mysqld, --mysqldatabaseONLYOFFICE Community Server database nameonlyoffice
-mysqlu, --mysqluserONLYOFFICE Community Server database useronlyoffice_user
-mysqlp, --mysqlpasswordONLYOFFICE Community Server database passwordonlyoffice_pass

These parameters allow to create the ONLYOFFICE Community Server database specifying custom database name, as well as a username and password for the account with superuser permissions on the created database. If you do not explicitly specify these parameters, the default values are used.

bash -mysqld communitydatabase -mysqlu username -mysqlp password

ONLYOFFICE Mail database

-mysqlmd, --mysqlmaildatabaseONLYOFFICE Mail database nameonlyoffice_mailserver
-mysqlmu, --mysqlmailuserONLYOFFICE Mail database usermail_admin
-mysqlmp, --mysqlmailpasswordONLYOFFICE Mail database passwordIsadmin123

These parameters allow to create the ONLYOFFICE Mail database specifying custom database name, as well as a username and password for the account with superuser permissions on the created database. If you do not explicitly specify these parameters, the default values are used.

bash -md "" -mysqlmd maildatabase -mysqlmu username -mysqlmp password

ONLYOFFICE Community Server port

-cp, --communityportONLYOFFICE Community Server port80

This parameter allows to change the port on which ONLYOFFICE Community Server will run. By default, port 80 is used.

bash -cp 8080

Setting for core.machinekey

-mk, --machinekeySetting for the core.machinekey key

This parameter allows to specify your own machinekey when installing ONLYOFFICE Workspace.

This parameter is written to the /app/onlyoffice/CommunityServer/data/.private/machinekey configuration file.
bash -mk yourmachinekey

Setting for JWT secret

-jwt, --jwtsecretSetting for the JWT secret key

This parameter allows to specify your own JWT secret key when installing ONLYOFFICE Workspace. The secret key is used to sign the JSON web token and validate the token upon the request to ONLYOFFICE Docs.

This parameter is written to the following configuration files (the paths are specified within containers):
  • For Community Server - /var/www/onlyoffice/WebStudio/web.appsettings.config
  • For Document Server - /etc/onlyoffice/documentserver/local.json
bash -jwt yoursecret

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How to install ONLYOFFICE Enterprise Edition on your own server

Learn how to install ONLYOFFICE Enterprise Edition using the provided Docker script and activate it to get access to all ONLYOFFICE features.

Host ONLYOFFICE Workspace on your own server

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