Managing memory quota


The Portal memory quota feature provided by the Control Panel allows you to set the memory limitation on your portal.

Manage memory quota

  1. Sign in to your portal and click the Control Panel icon on the Start Page. Alternatively, you can go to the portal Settings and select the Control Panel link on the left-side panel.
  2. Switch to the Storage section in the Control Panel.
  3. Scroll the page to find the Portal memory quota section.
    Manage memory quotaManage memory quota
  4. Click the EDIT button next to the portal name. If you enabled the Multitenancy feature, the list contains several portals.
  5. Choose the Edit quota option from the dropdown list.
  6. Set the necessary value in the input field and choose the unit of measure from the dropdown list (bytes, KB, MB, GB, TB). By default, the quota is set to 10 TB.
    Manage memory quotaManage memory quota
  7. Click SAVE.
If the memory quota you set is less than the memory used on the portal, you'll get an error. The amount of space used on the portal is displayed in the Used memory section.

To disable the quota, click the EDIT button next to the portal name and use the No quota option.

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