Integrating ONLYOFFICE with Google Cloud Storage

Connect the Google Cloud Storage service to use the connected cloud storage as a third-party storage when creating backups. It's also possible to use this cloud storage to store data and static content from your portal. Use Authorization keys to connect your portal to Google Cloud Storage.

If you use the SaaS version, the authorization keys parameters for most services are set up automatically. In the SaaS version, you can connect DocuSign, Twilio and EasyBib services, as well as AWS, GoogleCloud, Rackspace and Selectel.

Bare Bones Instructions

If you decide to connect Google Cloud Storage, proceed through these simple steps:

  1. First of all, go to the Settings section. To do that, click the Settings Icon icon in the right upper corner.

  2. Switch to the Integration tab.

  3. Open the Third-Party Services page.

    In this section, you will see all the third-party services you can connect your portal to. The most important part in the process of establishing the connection is to find application keys. If you want to connect a third-party service to your portal, first of all get the application ID (may be called app key, client_id, api key, etc.) and Key (app secret, client_secret, api secret, etc.). The way to obtain the connection keys differs from service to service. So choose the necessary service and follow the instructions:

Google Cloud Storage Google Cloud Storage Icon

Use this instruction if you want to connect Google Cloud Storage service to backup and store data from your portal.

  1. Go to Google Cloud Platform console.
  2. Sign in to your account.
  3. Click the navigation menu in the upper left corner and select the IAM & admin -> Service accounts section.
  4. Select an existing project or create a new one.
  5. Click the Create service account button.
  6. Specify the Service account name and click Create.
  7. Select the Owner role and click Continue.
  8. Optionally, grant access to this service account to users: specify necessary Google accounts and click Done.
  9. On the Service accounts page, click the menu button in the Actions field and choose the Create key option.
  10. In a new window that opens, choose the JSON type and click Create.
  11. The .json file that contains the private key will be downloaded to your computer. To connect the GoogleCloud service, you will need to open this .json file with a text editor, copy its contents and paste into the json field on the portal.

Helpful Hints

How to synchronize my Google Cloud Storage with the Documents module?

You can easily synchronize your Google Cloud Storage with the 'Documents' module of your portal just within a few minutes.

A full access administrator or the Documents module administrator must turn on the Allow users to connect third-party storages switcher in the Admin Settings section at the left sidebar to make it possible for the portal users to connect third-party clouds in their accounts on the portal. If this setting is disabled, the administrator also cannot connect third-party clouds in the Documents module.
  1. Enter your portal.
  2. Click the Documents link on the start page.
  3. In the opened 'Documents' module, click the Google icon under the 'Connect' caption at the left sidebar.

    Connect section

    Or, go to the 'Settings' section at the left sidebar, choose 'Connected clouds' option and click the Connect cloud button.

  4. Log in to your Google account.
  5. Allow ONLYOFFICE to access your account clicking the corresponding button.
  6. Specify the title of a new folder where the documents from your Google Cloud Storage account will be located or leave the default option as it is.
  7. Click the Save button.
Can I place the files from another resource to any section within Documents?

If you don't have administrator rights for the Documents module, all the documents from another resource will be put into the 'My documents' section.

Being an administrator (with full access or within the Documents section only), you can place the files to the 'Common' section checking the Make shared and put into the 'Common' folder box. In case this box remains unchecked, the files will be placed to the 'My documents' section.

Can I remove the added resource from the online office without deleting the data itself?

You can do it by clicking the Show Folder Actions icon icon and selecting the 'Disconnect third party' option in the menu. The documents will be still available at your Google Cloud Storage.

What should I bear in mind deleting a document from the resource folder?

If you decide to delete a document from the resource folder, it will be also deleted from your Google Cloud Storage. Besides this file won’t be placed to the 'Trash' section of the 'Documents' module, i.e. the removal will be irreversible.

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