Integrating ONLYOFFICE with DocuSign

Connect the DocuSign service to be able to send files from the Documents module for electronic signature to your portal employees via the DocuSign service. Use Authorization keys to connect your portal to DocuSign.

If you use the SaaS version, the authorization keys parameters for most services are set up automatically. In the SaaS version, you can connect DocuSign, Twilio, and EasyBib services, as well as AWS, GoogleCloud, Rackspace, and Selectel.

Bare Bones Instructions

If you decide to connect DocuSign, proceed through these simple steps:

  1. First of all, go to the Settings section. To do that, click the Settings Icon icon in the right upper corner.

  2. Switch to the Integration tab.

  3. Open the Third-Party Services page.

    In this section, you will see all the third-party services you can connect your portal to. The most important part in the process of establishing the connection is to find application keys. If you want to connect a third-party service to your portal, first of all get the application ID (may be called app key, client_id, api key, etc.) and Key (app secret, client_secret, api secret, etc.). The way to obtain the connection keys differs from service to service. So choose the necessary service and follow the instructions:

    Connect your DocuSign account to ONLYOFFICE DocuSign Icon

    1. Go to the Admin console of the DocuSign sandbox.
    2. Sign in to your sandbox account.
    3. In the left-side menu, find the Integrations section and open the Apps and Keys page.
    4. Click the Add App and Integration Key button.
    5. Type in your application name and click the Create app button.
    6. Your app settings page will open.
    7. In the General Info -> Integration Key section, copy or write down your Integration key.
    8. In the Authentication -> Secret Keys section, click the Add Secret Key button and copy or write down the Secret Key that will be displayed above.
    9. In the Additional settings -> Redirect URIs section, click the Add URI button and add "" in the field that appears.
    10. Click the Save button.
    11. Use the "" value as the Authentication endpoint.

      If your application has been moved from the sandbox to a live production account, use the "" value as the Authentication endpoint.

      For the details on how to move your sandbox Integrator Key to a live production account, please refer to the official DocuSign documentation.

Helpful Hints

How to synchronize DocuSign service with the Documents module?

You can easily synchronize the DocuSign service to ensure the possibility to send files from the 'Documents' module for electronic signatures to your portal users.

A full-access administrator or the Documents module administrator must turn on the Allow users to connect third-party storages switcher in the Admin Settings section at the left sidebar to make it possible for the portal users to connect third-party clouds in their accounts on the portal. If this setting is disabled, the administrator also cannot connect third-party clouds in the Documents module.
  1. Enter your portal.
  2. Click the Documents link on the start page.
  3. In the opened 'Documents' module, click Connect under the 'Connect' caption at the left sidebar.

    Connect section

    Or, go to the 'Settings' section at the left sidebar, choose the 'Connected clouds' option, and click the Connect cloud button.

  4. In a new window that opens, log in to your DocuSign account. To do that, specify your Email address and click the Continue button, then enter your Password and click the Log in button.
  5. Click the Accept button to let ONLYOFFICE access your DocuSign account.
How to send documents for signing right from the Documents module using the DocuSign service?

Once you perform all the steps described above, go to the 'Documents' module and connect your DocuSign account as described above.

To be able to send your documents for signing using DocuSign, you'll also need to switch your portal to HTTPS, because DocuSign does not support HTTP.

Depending on which environment you use (DocuSign Sandbox or Production account), other portal users who want to be able to send their documents for signature should also use corresponding accounts:

  • - if you use a sandbox.
  • - if you use a production account.

For further instructions on how to send documents for signatures, please refer to this article.

Host ONLYOFFICE Workspace on your own server

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