Changing the user status to Guest

Guests are portal users with restricted access rights. They can:

  1. view files available to all portal members,
  2. download files from the 'Common Documents' folder and documents shared with them,
  3. upload files to folders shared with them,
  4. add comments to existing posts,
  5. attach files to comments,
  6. and edit their profiles.

Read this guide to learn how to make a user on your portal a guest. Please note that the option of changing user status is available for portal administrators only.

Changing the user status to “Guest”

  1. switch to the People module on your portal,
    Open People moduleOpen People module
  2. find the needed user in the list that appears,
  3. click the drop-down menu icon next to the needed user and choose the Edit option,
  4. change the user status to Guest using the Type switcher next to the user profile picture and click the Save button at the bottom of the page,
    Edit profileEdit profile
  1. activate the checkboxes next to the needed users,
  2. click the Change type button above the user list and choose the Guest option.
    Changing the user status to Guest will not work on administrators. If you need to change the user status of an administrator, revoke administrator privileges first. Read the Revoking administrator privileges section of this guide to learn more.

Revoking administrator privileges

  1. switch to the portal settings by choosing the Settings option in the top menu,
  2. select the Access Rights option on the left-side panel,
  3. click the Show link next to the Administrators caption,
  4. click the Choose user link under the list of administrators,
  5. deactivate the Full access checkbox or more checkboxes if needed,
  6. click the Save button.

To learn more about the People module, please read the corresponding guide.

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Providing guest access in ONLYOFFICE

This guide will show you how to grant access to the portal to the clients.

Host ONLYOFFICE Workspace on your own server

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