Wrap text in a cell

Fit your data to the column width using the Wrap text option.

  1. select a cell, a range of cells or the whole worksheet,
  2. open the Cell settings panel by
    • tapping the Edit icon local icon at the top or bottom toolbar, or
    • tapping the Edit icon local option in the pop-up menu and choosing the Cell menu item,
  3. tap the Text format option to open the Text format panel,

    Text Format panel local

  4. turn the Wrap text switcher on,
  5. return to the previous screen by tapping the Back arrow on the left and сlose the cell settings panel by tapping the Close settings panel icon on the left.

If you change the column width, data wrapping adjusts automatically.

You can also select a cell/cell range, tap the Wrap option from the pop-up menu that appears. When data wrapping is enabled, the Unwrap option becomes available in this menu.

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