Download and print your presentation

Download and print your presentation

Download the presentation

To download a presentation in a selected format, you should locally open the file by tapping on it in the On Device section and follow these steps:

  1. tap the Settings iconSettings icon in the right corner of the top toolbar,
  2. tap the Download asDownload as... menu item,
  3. tap one of the available file formats: PPTX, PDF, ODP, POTX, PDF/A, OTP,
  4. specify the path where the file will be saved.
Export the presentation

To export a presentation in a selected format, you should locally open the file by tapping on it in the On Device section and follow these steps:

  1. tap the Settings iconSettings icon in the right corner of the top toolbar,
  2. tap the Export presentationExport menu item,
  3. tap one of the available file formats: PPTX, PDF, ODP, POTX, PDF/A, OTP,
  4. select the transfer method and recipient.
Send a copy

To send a copy of the file with the same format and content via Bluetooth, messengers, email, etc., you should locally open the file by tapping on it in the On Device section and follow these steps:

  1. tap the Settings iconSettings icon in the right corner of the top toolbar,
  2. tap the Send a copySend a copy menu item,
  3. select the transfer method and recipient.
Print the presentation

To print the current local presentation opened in the On Device section,

  1. tap the Tools iconTools icon in the right corner of the top toolbar,
  2. tap the PrintPrint menu item to enter the priview mode,
  3. at the top of the screen choose either an available Printer or tap on the Save as PDF option to generate a PDF file on the basis of this presentation,
  4. in the drop-down menu Arrow specify the following parameters:
    • number of copies - enter the required number of copies of the presentation;
    • number of pages - choose either a range of pages, filling the textfield in the following way: (e.g. 1-5, 8, 11-13), or tap on each checkbox below to mark the slides you want to print;
    • page size - select one of the suggested paper formats;
    • color - choose either black and white print or color print (only for supporting printers);
    • two-sided printing - this option allows to print on both sides of a sheet of paper (only for supporting printers);
    • page orientation - choose from landscape and portrait options,
  5. tap the Print button to initialize printing.

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